2024-present (2 months)
Elaine Frazier Email & Phone number
Elaine Frazier Current Workplace
1 Glen Bell Way, Irvine, California, 92618, United States
Phone Number
(949) 863-4500
Number of Employees
Elaine Frazier Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
8Average duration at a company (years)
3Number of job titles
9About Elaine Frazier
Elaine Frazier is a Manager, Digital Merchandising Optimization at Taco Bell based in Irvine, California.
Previously, Elaine was an Optimization Senior Manager, Digital Experience at Vans and also held positions at American Apparel, Shortcuts Software, Hobbs/Herder, Centro Criativo.
Elaine received a Diploma degree from Laguna Hills High School and a Bachelor of Arts from California State University, Long Beach.
Elaine Frazier Current Workplace
Taco Bell
Founded in 1962 and headquartered in Irvine, California, Taco Bell is a company that serves fast food of a "Tex-Mex" nature such as tacos, burritos and other specialty items.
Elaine Frazier Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
8Average duration at a company (years)
3Number of job titles
9Work Experience
Laguna Hills High SchoolBachelor of Arts - Philosophy
California State University, Long BeachRecent News About Elaine Frazier
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Elaine Frazier
Elaine Frazier is a Manager, Digital Merchandising Optimization at Taco Bell based in Irvine, California. Previously, Elaine was an Optimization Senior Manager, Digital Experience at Vans and also held positions at American Apparel, Shortcuts Software, Hobbs/Herder, Centro Criativo. Elaine received a Diploma degree from Laguna Hills High School a...