2024-present (4 months)
Elaina Simons Email & Phone number
Elaina Simons Current Workplace
500 Stonehenge Pkwy, Dublin, Ohio, 43017, United States
(614) 761-1010
Number of Employees
Elaina Simons Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
7Average duration at a company (years)
1Number of job titles
7About Elaina Simons
Elaina Simons is a Senior Accounts Payable Specialist at Epcon Communities based in Dublin, Ohio.
Previously, Elaina was an AP Payroll Lead at Kirk's Family of Natural Brands and also held positions at APCO Industries, Ease Logistics, KEMBA Financial Credit Union, TQL, PNC Financial Services Group Inc.
Elaina received a Bachelor of Health Information/Medical Records Technology/Technician degree from University of Cincinnati.
Elaina Simons Current Workplace
Epcon Communities
Epcon Communities mission is to build homes, neighborhoods, and lifestyles that provide one remarkable experience. We create communities where residents can experience the best moments of life. Each Epcon home is carefully designed with uncompromising standards. From award-winning floor plan layouts to state-of-the-art amenities, Epcon homes and communities are the perfect places to entertain friends, relax with family, and cherish time.
Elaina Simons Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Elaina Simons
Elaina Simons is a Senior Accounts Payable Specialist at Epcon Communities based in Dublin, Ohio. Previously, Elaina was an AP Payroll Lead at Kirk's Family of Natural Brands and also held positions at APCO Industries, Ease Logistics, KEMBA Financial Credit Union, TQL, PNC Financial Services Group Inc. Elaina received a Bachelor of Health Informa...