Eitan Sobel

Physician at Community Health

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Eitan Sobel Current Workplace


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About Eitan Sobel

Eitan Sobel is a Physician at Community Health based in Rutland, Vermont.Explore more

Eitan Sobel Current Workplace

Community Health

2024-present (4 months)

Welcome to Community Health. We look forward to taking care of the medical and dental needs for you and your family, something weve done since 2004. We operate Primary Care Medical Offices in Rutland, Brandon, Castleton, Shoreham and West Pawlet, Vermont. All of our offices are accepting new patients and we participate with most area insurance companies including Medicare and Medicaid and some insurances from neighboring New York State. We also offer Sliding Fee Scales to our patients who do not have medical insurance. The sliding scales are based on your income and family size. Please call one of our offices to make an appointment to find out if you qualify. One of our Outreach Coordinators will be happy to assist you. We look forward to taking care of the medical needs for you and your family. Community Health is a primary care network that provides nationally-recognized programs, a focus on wellness, dental, behavioral health and pediatric specialties, walk-in Express Care, a culturSee more

Org Chart - Community Health






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Eitan Sobel

What company does Eitan Sobel work for?
Eitan Sobel works for Community Health as Physician
What is Eitan Sobel’s role in Community Health?
Eitan Sobel’s role in Community Health is Physician
What is Eitan Sobel’s email address?
Eitan Sobel’s email address is e***@chcrr.org
What is Eitan Sobel’s business email address?
Eitan Sobel’s business email address is e***@chcrr.org
What is Eitan Sobel’s direct phone number?
Eitan Sobel’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Eitan Sobel’s work phone number?
Eitan Sobel’s headquarters phone number is (802) 779-9036
Which industry does Eitan Sobel work in?
Eitan Sobel works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Eitan Sobel’s peers at other companies?
Eitan Sobel’s peers at other companies are Chungyuan Mui, Malcolm Kao, David Liem, Morton Stein, Chris Romberg.
Who are Eitan Sobel’s colleagues?
Some of Eitan Sobel’s colleagues are Lilah Woodard, Jean Harris-letts, Roslyn Stark, Patricia Flores.
How can I contact Eitan Sobel?
Eitan Sobel contact details: Email address: e***@chcrr.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Eitan Sobel?

Eitan Sobel is a Physician at Community Health based in Rutland, Vermont.... Read More

Where is Eitan Sobel based?
Eitan Sobel works for Community Health, located at United States
See more information about Eitan Sobel

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