Egbert Ferrer

President at Prime

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About Egbert Ferrer

Egbert Ferrer is the President at Prime, where he is responsible for leading the company's strategic initiatives and overseeing its day-to-day operations. With a strong background in the industry, Ferrer brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his role, driving the company's growth and success.Explore more

Egbert Ferrer Current Workplace


2022-present (2 years)

PRIME is recognized as one of the leading manufacturers of ceramic tiles, roof tiles and electric water heater in Vietnam and ASEAN, with more than 4,400 employees and 16 subsidiary companies within Prime Group. It keeps on going to maintain, improve and upgrade product and services standards, contribute to the sustainable progress of Vietnam and the local communities.

Org Chart - Prime






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Egbert Ferrer

What company does Egbert Ferrer work for?
Egbert Ferrer works for Prime as President
What is Egbert Ferrer’s role in Prime?
Egbert Ferrer’s role in Prime is President
What is Egbert Ferrer’s direct phone number?
Egbert Ferrer’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Egbert Ferrer’s work phone number?
Egbert Ferrer’s headquarters phone number is +84 2113888386
Which industry does Egbert Ferrer work in?
Egbert Ferrer works in the industry of Home Improvement & Hardware Retail, Retail.
Who are Egbert Ferrer’s peers at other companies?
Egbert Ferrer’s peers at other companies are Brandon Settlemyre, Stockham Co, Dean Edwards, Joe Novogratz, Kelly Callender.
Who are Egbert Ferrer’s colleagues?
Some of Egbert Ferrer’s colleagues are Thanh Mai, Jakkrit Suwannasilp, Tang Kt, Priyanka Haldea.
Who is Egbert Ferrer?

Egbert Ferrer is the President at Prime, where he is responsible for leading the company's strategic initiatives and overseeing its day-to-day operations. With a strong background in the industry, Ferrer brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his role, driving the company's growth and success.... Read More

Where is Egbert Ferrer based?
Egbert Ferrer works for Prime, located at Vietnam
Who is Prime’s President?
Prime's President is Egbert Ferrer
See more information about Egbert Ferrer

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