
Edward Wade

Senior IT Security Analyst at University of California - San Diego

Edward Wade Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Edward Wade Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Edward Wade Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Edward Wade

Edward Wade is a Senior IT Security Analyst at University of California - San Diego based in La Jolla, California. Previously, Edward was an Information Security Analyst at University of California - San Diego - San Diego Supercomputer Center and also held positions at Ensuren, CU Denver. Edward received a Bachelor of Music Industry and Technology: Recording Arts degree from California State University, Chico and a Master of Information Systems: Enterprise Technology Management from University of Colorado Denver.

Edward Wade Current Workplace

The University of California, San Diego (also referred to as UC San Diego or UCSD), is a public research university located in La Jolla, California.

Edward Wade Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Security Engineer

UC Irvine


Network Security Consultant



Graduate Academic Advisor

CU Denver




Bachelor of Music Industry and Technology: Recording Arts - 3.68

California State University, Chico

Master of Information Systems: Enterprise Technology Management - 3.84

University of Colorado Denver

Org Chart - University of California - San Diego

Edward Wade

Senior IT Security Analyst

Recent News About Edward Wade

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Edward Wade

What company does Edward Wade work for?
Edward Wade works for University of California - San Diego as Senior IT Security Analyst
What is Edward Wade’s role in University of California - San Diego?
Edward Wade’s role in University of California - San Diego is Senior IT Security Analyst
What is Edward Wade’s email address?
Edward Wade’s email address is e***@ucsd.edu
What is Edward Wade’s business email address?
Edward Wade’s business email address is e***@ucsd.edu
What is Edward Wade’s direct phone number?
Edward Wade’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Edward Wade’s work phone number?
Edward Wade’s headquarters phone number is (858) 534-2230
What is Edward Wade’s latest job experience?
Edward Wade’s latest job experience is Information Security Analyst at University of California - San Diego - San Diego Supercomputer Center
What is Edward Wade’s latest education?
Edward Wade’s latest education in Bachelor of Music Industry and Technology: Recording Arts - 3.68 at California State University, Chico
Which industry does Edward Wade work in?
Edward Wade works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Edward Wade’s peers at other companies?
Edward Wade’s peers at other companies are Oliver Fonteh, Danny Vukobratovich, Andrew Diesh, Michael Wolf, Ronald Windle.
Who are Edward Wade’s colleagues?
Some of Edward Wade’s colleagues are Titus Cites, Tim Marconi, Mark Atkinson, Andrew Lowy.
How can I contact Edward Wade?
Edward Wade contact details: Email address: e***@ucsd.edu Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Edward Wade?

Edward Wade is a Senior IT Security Analyst at University of California - San Diego based in La Jolla, California. Previously, Edward was an Information Security Analyst at University of California - San Diego - San Diego Supercomputer Center and also held positions at Ensuren, CU Denver. Edward received a Bachelor of Music Industry and Technolog... y: Recording Arts degree from California State University, Chico and a Master of Information Systems: Enterprise Technology Management from University of Colorado Denver.

Where is Edward Wade based?
Edward Wade works for University of California - San Diego, located at United States