
Edward Miall

Agri-Investment and Partnership Consultant at Grow PNG

Edward Miall Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Edward Miall Current Workplace


Grow PNG


Number of Employees

Edward Miall Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Edward Miall

Edward Miall is an Agri-Investment and Partnership Consultant at Grow PNG based in Morobe. Previously, Edward was a Post-Graduate Researcher (Mining Waste) - MSc. SWRM In Civil Engineering at PNG University of Technology and also held positions at Harmony Gold.Explore more

Edward Miall Current Workplace

Grow PNG

2024-present (4 months)

Grow PNG is an organization based in Lae, Papua New Guinea, dedicated to accelerating the growth of the agriculture sector in the Markham Valley. They aim to increase the income of smallholder households by 20% within eight years by fostering partnerships among civil society, government, agribusiness, and farmers. The organization focuses on improving knowledge and information flow to help stakeholders make better decisions and address collective challenges in agriculture. Grow PNG welcomes any organization interested in supporting rural development and agricultural growth in the Markham region as partners in their initiatives.

Edward Miall Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Mine Reclamation & Closure Planning Advisor

New Porgera Limited


Post-Graduate Researcher (Mining Waste) - MSc. SWRM In Civil Engineering

PNG University of Technology


Mine Rehabilitation Supervisor - Hidden Valley Mine

Harmony Gold


Mine Rehabilitation Leading Hand - Hidden Valley Mine

Harmony Gold


Org Chart - Grow PNG


Agri-Investment and Partnership Con...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Edward Miall

What company does Edward Miall work for?
Edward Miall works for Grow PNG as Agri-Investment and Partnership Consultant
What is Edward Miall’s role in Grow PNG?
Edward Miall’s role in Grow PNG is Agri-Investment and Partnership Consultant
What is Edward Miall’s email address?
Edward Miall’s email address is e***@growpng.org
What is Edward Miall’s business email address?
Edward Miall’s business email address is e***@growpng.org
What is Edward Miall’s direct phone number?
Edward Miall’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Edward Miall’s latest job experience?
Edward Miall’s latest job experience is Mine Reclamation & Closure Planning Advisor at New Porgera Limited
Which industry does Edward Miall work in?
Edward Miall works in the industry of Animals & Livestock, Agriculture.
Who are Edward Miall’s colleagues?
Some of Edward Miall’s colleagues are Ahmaad Minson, David Stewart, Anita Kehali, Rick Philip.
How can I contact Edward Miall?
Edward Miall contact details: Email address: e***@growpng.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Edward Miall?

Edward Miall is an Agri-Investment and Partnership Consultant at Grow PNG based in Morobe. Previously, Edward was a Post-Graduate Researcher (Mining Waste) - MSc. SWRM In Civil Engineering at PNG University of Technology and also held positions at Harmony Gold.... Read More

Where is Edward Miall based?
Edward Miall works for Grow PNG, located at Papua New Guinea
See more information about Edward Miall

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