Eduard Rotarciuc

Flight Engineer at AIM Air

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(***) ***-****

Eduard Rotarciuc Current Workplace




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About Eduard Rotarciuc

Eduard Rotarciuc is a Flight Engineer at AIM Air based in Independence, Ohio.Explore more

Eduard Rotarciuc Current Workplace


2022-present (2 years)

We operate regularly in at least 8 different countries. Our main base of operations is in Nairobi, Kenya, with aircraft also based in Uganda, and at two other locations in Northern Kenya. How does AIM AIR operate? All of our aviation missionaries are volunteers who are financially supported by churches and individual donors in their home countries. Our Kenyan staff are employees. Almost all of our equipment is donated. Missionaries who request our service contribute toward the minimum operating cost of the airplane they use. What does it take to work with AIM AIR? Pilots and Mechanics need to meet certain technical requirements. There are some non-technical positions as well. For all our missionaries, a heart for missions is paramount. How can I get involved? You can join us in Africa for a short or full term of service. You can pray for the AIM AIR ministry. And you can partner with us through financial contributions.

Org Chart - AIM Air


Flight Engineer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Eduard Rotarciuc

What company does Eduard Rotarciuc work for?
Eduard Rotarciuc works for AIM Air as Flight Engineer
What is Eduard Rotarciuc’s role in AIM Air?
Eduard Rotarciuc’s role in AIM Air is Flight Engineer
What is Eduard Rotarciuc’s email address?
Eduard Rotarciuc’s email address is e***@aimair.org
What is Eduard Rotarciuc’s business email address?
Eduard Rotarciuc’s business email address is e***@aimair.org
What is Eduard Rotarciuc’s direct phone number?
Eduard Rotarciuc’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Eduard Rotarciuc’s work phone number?
Eduard Rotarciuc’s headquarters phone number is (216) 544-1493
Which industry does Eduard Rotarciuc work in?
Eduard Rotarciuc works in the industry of Airlines, Airports & Air Services, Transportation.
Who are Eduard Rotarciuc’s peers at other companies?
Eduard Rotarciuc’s peers at other companies are Jim Roche, Dale Jordan, Randal Smith, Hamid Asgari, Jess Hernandez.
Who are Eduard Rotarciuc’s colleagues?
Some of Eduard Rotarciuc’s colleagues are Charles Dermyer, Daniel Spooner, Betty Kamau, Koech Kimutai.
How can I contact Eduard Rotarciuc?
Eduard Rotarciuc contact details: Email address: e***@aimair.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Eduard Rotarciuc?

Eduard Rotarciuc is a Flight Engineer at AIM Air based in Independence, Ohio.... Read More

Where is Eduard Rotarciuc based?
Eduard Rotarciuc works for AIM Air, located at United States
See more information about Eduard Rotarciuc

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