Edie Patterson

Vice President and General Manager at Xerox

Edie Patterson Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(612) ***-****

Edie Patterson Current Workplace




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Edie Patterson Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


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About Edie Patterson

Edie Patterson is a Vice President and General Manager at Xerox based in Norwalk, Connecticut. Previously, Edie was an Independent Sales Consultant at The Worth Collection. Edie received a bachelor's degree degree from Iowa State University.Explore more

Edie Patterson Current Workplace


1978-present (47 years)

Xerox Corporation provides document management solutions worldwide. The companys Document Technology segment offers desktop monochrome and color printers, multifunction printers, copiers, digital printing presses, and light production devices; and production printing and publishing systems for the graphic communications marketplace and large enterprises. Its Services segment provides document outsourcing services comprising managed print, workflow automation, and communication and marketing services. The company also sells paper, wide-format systems, global imaging systems network integration solutions, and electronic presentation systems. The company sells its products and services directly to its customers; and through its sales force, as well as through a network of independent agents, dealers, value-added resellers, systems integrators, and the Web. Xerox Corporation was founded in 1906 and is headquartered in Norwalk.

Edie Patterson Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Independent Sales Consultant

The Worth Collection




bachelor's degree

Iowa State University

Org Chart - Xerox


Vice President and General Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Edie Patterson

What company does Edie Patterson work for?
Edie Patterson works for Xerox as Vice President and General Manager
What is Edie Patterson’s role in Xerox?
Edie Patterson’s role in Xerox is Vice President and General Manager
What is Edie Patterson’s email address?
Edie Patterson’s email address is e***@xerox.com
What is Edie Patterson’s business email address?
Edie Patterson’s business email address is e***@xerox.com
What is Edie Patterson’s direct phone number?
Edie Patterson’s direct phone number is (612) ***-****
What is Edie Patterson’s work phone number?
Edie Patterson’s headquarters phone number is (203) 849-5216
What is Edie Patterson’s latest job experience?
Edie Patterson’s latest job experience is Independent Sales Consultant at The Worth Collection
What is Edie Patterson’s latest education?
Edie Patterson’s latest education in bachelor's degree at Iowa State University
Which industry does Edie Patterson work in?
Edie Patterson works in the industry of Photographic & Optical Equipment, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing.
Who are Edie Patterson’s peers at other companies?
Edie Patterson’s peers at other companies are Jugnu Nijjar, Tom Oldfield, Peng Cheong, Christian Fridholm, Doug Alteen.
Who are Edie Patterson’s colleagues?
Some of Edie Patterson’s colleagues are Kai Springs, Kathleen Smith, Weirich Kayzy, Hayden Stine.
How can I contact Edie Patterson?
Edie Patterson contact details: Email address: e***@xerox.com Phone number: (612) ***-****
Who is Edie Patterson?

Edie Patterson is a Vice President and General Manager at Xerox based in Norwalk, Connecticut. Previously, Edie was an Independent Sales Consultant at The Worth Collection. Edie received a bachelor's degree degree from Iowa State University.... Read More

Where is Edie Patterson based?
Edie Patterson works for Xerox, located at United States
See more information about Edie Patterson

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