Ed Campos

Regional Manager, Coast (West) at Bootstrap

Ed Campos Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Ed Campos Current Workplace




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Ed Campos Work Experience Summary

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About Ed Campos

Ed Campos is a Regional Manager, Coast (West) at Bootstrap based in Huntington Beach, California. Previously, Ed was an Instructor at Education Service Center.

Ed Campos Current Workplace


2017-present (8 years)

Bootstrap is a program that combines programming and algebra, providing curricula and training for math and computer science teachers. At the end of a Bootstrap class, students have a completed programming problems, math challenges, and a videogame of their own design. This presentation will cover the basics of Racket, a functional programming language. Rosanna will discuss how math concepts can be reinforced in a computer science class and how math classes can benefit from a programming component. A key element of Bootstrap is the Design Recipe, a concrete problem-solving scheme that aids students in writing functions. In this presentation, participants will take an in-depth look at the Design Recipe, practice programming functions using this tool, and discuss its value to both students and educators. Rosanna is Regional Manager at Bootstrap.

Ed Campos Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


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Work Experience

Work Experience


Education Service Center


Org Chart - Bootstrap

Ed Campos

Regional Manager, Coast (West)

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ed Campos

What company does Ed Campos work for?
Ed Campos works for Bootstrap as Regional Manager, Coast (West)
What is Ed Campos’s role in Bootstrap?
Ed Campos’s role in Bootstrap is Regional Manager, Coast (West)
What is Ed Campos’s email address?
Ed Campos’s email address is e***@bootstrapworld.org
What is Ed Campos’s business email address?
Ed Campos’s business email address is e***@bootstrapworld.org
What is Ed Campos’s direct phone number?
Ed Campos’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ed Campos’s latest job experience?
Ed Campos’s latest job experience is Instructor at Education Service Center
Which industry does Ed Campos work in?
Ed Campos works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Ed Campos’s peers at other companies?
Ed Campos’s peers at other companies are Dinah Aldrich, Felipe Landerreche, Mark Hailwood, Haley Haskill, Jack Berry.
Who are Ed Campos’s colleagues?
Some of Ed Campos’s colleagues are Servane Demol, Marques Brown, Emmanuel Schanzer, Christine Riad.
How can I contact Ed Campos?
Ed Campos contact details: Email address: e***@bootstrapworld.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Ed Campos?

Ed Campos is a Regional Manager, Coast (West) at Bootstrap based in Huntington Beach, California. Previously, Ed was an Instructor at Education Service Center....

Where is Ed Campos based?
Ed Campos works for Bootstrap, located at United States