2002-present (22 years)
E. Wilder Email & Phone number
E. Wilder Current Workplace
2400 Clove Dr, San Jose, California, 95128, United States
(408) 885-5299
Number of Employees
E. Wilder Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
22Number of job titles
1About E. Wilder
E. Wilder is a President & Executive Director at VMC Foundation based in San Jose, California.
Previously, E. was a Board Member at NorCal SCI and also held positions at San Jose Earthquakes.
E. Wilder Current Workplace
VMC Foundation
Valley Health Foundation is a non-profit leader in community health and healthcare that fundraises to support, innovate, and advocate better health for all in Santa Clara County. They support, innovate, and advocate for the Santa Clara Valley Healthcare system, providing care for a quarter of all residents in the community annually. With a focus on strengthening spaces like The Q-Corner and initiatives like the Backpack Homeless Healthcare Program, they aim to ensure access to high-quality healthcare services for all residents of Santa Clara County.
E. Wilder Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
22Number of job titles
Stanford University's
San José State University
Board Memberships & Affiliations
City Year Advisory Board, the Mayor's Gang Prevention Task Force Executive Committee
San Jose Earthquakes2006-2006
Recent News About E. Wilder
Events - VMC Foundation
/ in Donors , Health Care Reform , Quality, Access, Costs , Uncategorized , Wellness and Prevention / by E. Christopher Wilder / in Donors , News , ...Events - VMC Foundation
/ in Donors , News , Patient Stories , The New VMC , Uncategorized / by E. Christopher Wilder "It's a great day for VMC , and we would not be here w...Events - VMC Foundation
For today only - VMC Foundation CEO Chris Wilder has teamed up with one of our generous donors, Dave Culler, to MATCH ALL DONATIONS received by the VM...Events - VMC Foundation
Chris Wilder honored by PACT - this is what he said On Thursday, October, 13, VMC Foundation CEO Chris Wilder was honored by People Acting in Communi...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding E. Wilder
E. Wilder is a President & Executive Director at VMC Foundation based in San Jose, California. Previously, E. was a Board Member at NorCal SCI and also held positions at San Jose Earthquakes....