Dwayne Gylywoychuk

Assistant Coach at Brandon Wheat Kings

Dwayne Gylywoychuk Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Dwayne Gylywoychuk Work Experience Summary

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About Dwayne Gylywoychuk

Dwayne Gylywoychuk is an Assistant Coach at Brandon Wheat Kings based in Brandon, Manitoba. Previously, Dwayne was a Player Development Head Coach at RINK Hockey.Explore more

Dwayne Gylywoychuk Current Workplace

Brandon Wheat Kings

2003-present (22 years)

As of Tuesday, September 4th, the Wheat Kings had sold close to 2,100 season tickets - well below the club's off-season goal to sell three thousand and 500 fewer than what was sold during the 2006-07 campaign. In other news, several members of the Wheat Kings including veterans Daryl Boyle and Theran Yeo will be serving up lunch and signing autographs this Sunday when the Brandon Humane Society hosts its annual Wag-a-Tail Walk-a-Thon at the Riverbank Discovery Centre. The veteran Brandon blueliners will be joined by rookies Jordan Hale and Andrew Hayes as well as Willie, the Wheat Kings' mascot.

Dwayne Gylywoychuk Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Player Development Head Coach

RINK Hockey


Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Club's Head Coach

Western Hockey League


Org Chart - Brandon Wheat Kings


Assistant Coach




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  • news feed 2

    Derraugh will be joined by former Vermont head coach Tim Bothwell as well as Dwayne Gylywoychuk , former head coach of the Brandon Wheat Kings of the ...
  • news feed 3

    Former Wheat Kings' head coach Dwayne Gylywoychuk .
  • news feed 4

    McCrimmon lets Gylywoychuk go, returns as Wheaties head coach McCrimmon lets Gylywoychuk go, returns as Wheaties head coach Following a disappointin...
  • news feed 5

    You are here: Brandon Sun > Sports > Local Sports > Gylywoychuk committed to keep coaching Gylywoychuk committed to keep coaching Dwayne Gylywoychuk...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dwayne Gylywoychuk

What company does Dwayne Gylywoychuk work for?
Dwayne Gylywoychuk works for Brandon Wheat Kings as Assistant Coach
What is Dwayne Gylywoychuk’s role in Brandon Wheat Kings?
Dwayne Gylywoychuk’s role in Brandon Wheat Kings is Assistant Coach
What is Dwayne Gylywoychuk’s direct phone number?
Dwayne Gylywoychuk’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Dwayne Gylywoychuk’s work phone number?
Dwayne Gylywoychuk’s headquarters phone number is (204) 726-3535
What is Dwayne Gylywoychuk’s latest job experience?
Dwayne Gylywoychuk’s latest job experience is Player Development Head Coach at RINK Hockey
Which industry does Dwayne Gylywoychuk work in?
Dwayne Gylywoychuk works in the industry of Sports Teams & Leagues, Hospitality.
Who are Dwayne Gylywoychuk’s peers at other companies?
Dwayne Gylywoychuk’s peers at other companies are Maggie Young, Allan Davidson, Sydney Johnson, Brad Flynn, Mike Greier.
Who are Dwayne Gylywoychuk’s colleagues?
Some of Dwayne Gylywoychuk’s colleagues are Riley Dudar, John Zawada, Cam McGhee, Del Pedrick.
Who is Dwayne Gylywoychuk?

Dwayne Gylywoychuk is an Assistant Coach at Brandon Wheat Kings based in Brandon, Manitoba. Previously, Dwayne was a Player Development Head Coach at RINK Hockey.... Read More

Where is Dwayne Gylywoychuk based?
Dwayne Gylywoychuk works for Brandon Wheat Kings, located at Canada
See more information about Dwayne Gylywoychuk

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