2024-present (1 year)
Duggan Kerney Email & Phone number
Duggan Kerney Current Workplace
PO Box 2197, Los Gatos, California, 95031, United States
Phone Number
(408) 354-1952
Number of Employees
Duggan Kerney Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
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2About Duggan Kerney
Duggan Kerney is the President & Owner at Cprs Assets based in Los Gatos, California.
Previously, Duggan was the Regional Manager at Coinstar.
Duggan Kerney Current Workplace
Cprs Assets
CPRS has inventoried and appraised equipment and furniture for more than two thousand schools in California. Our core customer is the public education sector, providing us with an immense knowledge base of all school related equipment and the processes involved in K-12 audits and reporting requirements. We provide services for management, valuation, asset reconciliation and barcodes. We support our clients every step of the way to implement a plan that reduces labor and cost while increasing the function and accuracy of the management of your fixed assets. Our web-based helps you to easily manage and track your assets as well as seamlessly prepare your fiscal year GASB reports. Create reports right to your desktop with real time information. CPRS can assist you in every aspect to ensure proper management of your Fixed Assets. Contact us today to discuss how we can develop a Fixed Asset methodology that works with your institution's resources.
Duggan Kerney Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Duggan Kerney
Duggan Kerney is the President & Owner at Cprs Assets based in Los Gatos, California. Previously, Duggan was the Regional Manager at Coinstar....