Dubin Ron

Founding Partner at Dubin Clark

Dubin Ron Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Dubin Ron Current Workplace


Phone Number

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Dubin Ron Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


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About Dubin Ron

Dubin Ron is a Founding Partner at Dubin Clark based in Boston, Massachusetts.Explore more

Dubin Ron Current Workplace

Dubin Clark

2021-present (4 years)

Dubin Clark is a private equity firm with offices in Boston, MA, and Jacksonville Beach, FL. The Dubin Clark team is led by experienced private equity professionals who bring decades of success in lower middle market investing. Dubin Clark targets lead or control investments in branded niche manufacturing and specialty services segments with at least $5 million in sales (smaller for add-ons). The firm's mission is to create value by helping portfolio companies grow through a coordinated approach that includes providing the capital necessary to support internal growth, completing complementary add-on acquisitions to build market position, and helping to develop new strategies for the future while protecting the independence, culture, and values that made the company successful.

Dubin Ron Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Founding Partner

Co Ltd


Org Chart - Dubin Clark

Founding Partner





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dubin Ron

What company does Dubin Ron work for?
Dubin Ron works for Dubin Clark as Founding Partner
What is Dubin Ron’s role in Dubin Clark?
Dubin Ron’s role in Dubin Clark is Founding Partner
What is Dubin Ron’s direct phone number?
Dubin Ron’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Dubin Ron’s work phone number?
Dubin Ron’s headquarters phone number is (203) 629-2030
What is Dubin Ron’s latest job experience?
Dubin Ron’s latest job experience is Founding Partner at Co Ltd
Which industry does Dubin Ron work in?
Dubin Ron works in the industry of Venture Capital & Private Equity, Finance.
Who are Dubin Ron’s peers at other companies?
Dubin Ron’s peers at other companies are Nathan Vallette, Alec Andronikov, Matthew Knopman, Kristofer Medina, Dana Settle.
Who are Dubin Ron’s colleagues?
Some of Dubin Ron’s colleagues are Michelle Cummings, Alec Renfroe, Thomas Caracciolo, Gaye Van.
Who is Dubin Ron?

Dubin Ron is a Founding Partner at Dubin Clark based in Boston, Massachusetts.... Read More

Where is Dubin Ron based?
Dubin Ron works for Dubin Clark, located at United States
See more information about Dubin Ron

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