
Douglas Flood

Principal at Commercial Direct Insurance Services

Douglas Flood Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Douglas Flood Current Workplace

Number of Employees


Douglas Flood Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Douglas Flood

Douglas Flood is a Principal at Commercial Direct Insurance Services. Previously, Douglas was a Healthcare Sales and Development Consultant at Alternative HR and also held positions at Nationwide Pharmacy Management Group, Network Management.

Douglas Flood Current Workplace

At Commercial Direct, we make insuring your business easy. We specialize in providing commercial property, liability and workers compensation insurance for businesses that repair or service automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, industrial equipment and RV's as well as for automotive aftermarket businesses such as auto parts stores, auto parts distributors and service stations. In fact, we have dedicated our efforts to understanding your needs and providing you with products and services to help you successfully deal with the changing automotive industry environment. Our Staff has been insuring automotive businesses for 30 years. We offer a broad portfolio of products including: Commercial Property * General Liability * Garage Keepers Liability * Commercial Umbrella Workers Compensation * Pollution Coverage * Group Health, dental, life and vision plans Underground Tank Coverage * Employment Practices Liability * Wage and Hour Protection We're your one-stop-shop, offering you the convenienceSee more

Douglas Flood Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Healthcare Sales and Development Consultant

Alternative HR


Vice President, Business Development

Nationwide Pharmacy Management Group


Healthcare Contracting & Sales Professional

Network Management


Org Chart - Commercial Direct Insurance Services

Douglas Flood


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Douglas Flood

What company does Douglas Flood work for?
Douglas Flood works for Commercial Direct Insurance Services as Principal
What is Douglas Flood’s role in Commercial Direct Insurance Services?
Douglas Flood’s role in Commercial Direct Insurance Services is Principal
What is Douglas Flood’s email address?
Douglas Flood’s email address is d***@commercialdirectins.com
What is Douglas Flood’s business email address?
Douglas Flood’s business email address is d***@commercialdirectins.com
What is Douglas Flood’s direct phone number?
Douglas Flood’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Douglas Flood’s latest job experience?
Douglas Flood’s latest job experience is Healthcare Sales and Development Consultant at Alternative HR
Which industry does Douglas Flood work in?
Douglas Flood works in the industry of Insurance.
Who are Douglas Flood’s peers at other companies?
Douglas Flood’s peers at other companies are Nicole Harrington, Tom Hillermann, Joleen Mayfield, Adriana Salinas, Tommy Lloyd.
Who are Douglas Flood’s colleagues?
Some of Douglas Flood’s colleagues are Sandra Flood.
How can I contact Douglas Flood?
Douglas Flood contact details: Email address: d***@commercialdirectins.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Douglas Flood?

Douglas Flood is a Principal at Commercial Direct Insurance Services. Previously, Douglas was a Healthcare Sales and Development Consultant at Alternative HR and also held positions at Nationwide Pharmacy Management Group, Network Management....