
Douglas Carrier

Manager, Product Engineering at MACOM

Douglas Carrier Email & Phone number

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(978) ***-****

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About Douglas Carrier

Douglas Carrier is a Manager, Product Engineering at MACOM based in Lowell, Massachusetts.Explore more

Douglas Carrier Current Workplace


2020-present (5 years)

MACOM Technology Solutions Holdings, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, designs and manufactures analog RF, microwave, millimeter wave, and photonic semiconductor solutions in the United States, the Asia Pacific, and internationally. The company offers a portfolio of standard and custom devices, which include integrated circuits, multi-chip modules, power pallets and transistors, diodes, amplifiers, switches and switch limiters, passive and active components, and complete subsystems for approximately 40 product lines. Its semiconductor products are electronic components that are incorporated in electronic systems, such as point-to-point wireless backhaul radios, high density networks, active antenna arrays, radars, magnetic resonance imaging systems, and unmanned aerial vehicles. The company serves various market, such as networks, which includes carrier and enterprise infrastructure, wired broadband and cellular backhaul, cellular infrastructure, photonic solutions, and fiber opticSee more

Org Chart - MACOM


Manager, Product Engineering




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Douglas Carrier

What company does Douglas Carrier work for?
Douglas Carrier works for MACOM as Manager, Product Engineering
What is Douglas Carrier’s role in MACOM?
Douglas Carrier’s role in MACOM is Manager, Product Engineering
What is Douglas Carrier’s email address?
Douglas Carrier’s email address is d***@macom.com
What is Douglas Carrier’s business email address?
Douglas Carrier’s business email address is d***@macom.com
What is Douglas Carrier’s direct phone number?
Douglas Carrier’s direct phone number is (978) ***-****
What is Douglas Carrier’s work phone number?
Douglas Carrier’s headquarters phone number is (978) 656-2500
Which industry does Douglas Carrier work in?
Douglas Carrier works in the industry of Electronics, Manufacturing.
Who are Douglas Carrier’s peers at other companies?
Douglas Carrier’s peers at other companies are Kazuhiko Umeda, Kevin Doherty, Geoff Fanning, Kiran Gurav, Alma Mundo.
Who are Douglas Carrier’s colleagues?
Some of Douglas Carrier’s colleagues are Nicholas Rignoli, Vivian Hartjes, Pham Nguyen, Tom Zhao.
How can I contact Douglas Carrier?
Douglas Carrier contact details: Email address: d***@macom.com Phone number: (978) ***-****
Who is Douglas Carrier?

Douglas Carrier is a Manager, Product Engineering at MACOM based in Lowell, Massachusetts.... Read More

Where is Douglas Carrier based?
Douglas Carrier works for MACOM, located at United States
See more information about Douglas Carrier

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