
Doug Yount

Manager, Logistics at Dedicated Delivery Professionals

Doug Yount Email & Phone number


(562) ***-****

Doug Yount Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Doug Yount

Doug Yount is a Manager, Logistics at Dedicated Delivery Professionals based in Santa Fe Springs, California.

Doug Yount Current Workplace

Dedicated Delivery Professionals

2010-present (14 years)

DDP strives to provide unparalleled customer value offering a wide variety of services from Hundredweight, LTL, Full Truckload and Warehousing options throughout the California, Arizona and Nevada marketplaces. Our goal is to be a leader in the regional next-day delivery marketplace focused on customer satisfaction by providing the highest level of service, flexibility, and dedication, all while being cost effective. DDP continues to grow steadily through our hard work and dedication to our customers every day.

Org Chart - Dedicated Delivery Professionals

Doug Yount

Manager, Logistics

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Doug Yount

What company does Doug Yount work for?
Doug Yount works for Dedicated Delivery Professionals as Manager, Logistics
What is Doug Yount’s role in Dedicated Delivery Professionals?
Doug Yount’s role in Dedicated Delivery Professionals is Manager, Logistics
What is Doug Yount’s email address?
Doug Yount’s email address is d***@ddpddl.com
What is Doug Yount’s business email address?
Doug Yount’s business email address is d***@ddpddl.com
What is Doug Yount’s direct phone number?
Doug Yount’s direct phone number is (562) ***-****
What is Doug Yount’s work phone number?
Doug Yount’s headquarters phone number is (562) 941-9800
Which industry does Doug Yount work in?
Doug Yount works in the industry of Freight & Logistics Services, Transportation.
Who are Doug Yount’s peers at other companies?
Doug Yount’s peers at other companies are Pat Nolan, Joel Miller, Montiel Birmingham, Michael Gemelli, Jacob Locke.
Who are Doug Yount’s colleagues?
Some of Doug Yount’s colleagues are Derek Giger, Wayd Hawkins, Holly Godfrey, Rebecca Chacon.
How can I contact Doug Yount?
Doug Yount contact details: Email address: d***@ddpddl.com Phone number: (562) ***-****
Who is Doug Yount?

Doug Yount is a Manager, Logistics at Dedicated Delivery Professionals based in Santa Fe Springs, California....

Where is Doug Yount based?
Doug Yount works for Dedicated Delivery Professionals, located at United States