
Doug Hexter

Chief Executive Officer at WoofTrax

Doug Hexter Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Doug Hexter Current Workplace




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Number of Employees

Doug Hexter Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Doug Hexter

Doug Hexter is the Chief Executive Officer at WoofTrax based in Windsor Mill, Maryland. Previously, Doug was the Chief Executive Officer at World Design Group and also held positions at AOL.Explore more

Doug Hexter Current Workplace


2014-present (11 years)

WoofTrax, Inc. through its free mobile app gives dog owners the chance to earn donations for their favorite local animal charity just by walking their dog. The free WoofTrax app is one of the most used pet-focused fitness apps in the United States. Pet owners earn prizes, win donations, and help keep their dogs healthy with each walk recorded on WoofTrax. Since 2014 WoofTrax users have recorded more than 50 million walks in support of over 8,000 animal charities.

Doug Hexter Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Chief Executive Officer

World Design Group


Director, Marketing Food & Drink Network




Pershing LLC


Org Chart - WoofTrax

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Doug Hexter

What company does Doug Hexter work for?
Doug Hexter works for WoofTrax as Chief Executive Officer
What is Doug Hexter’s role in WoofTrax?
Doug Hexter’s role in WoofTrax is Chief Executive Officer
What is Doug Hexter’s email address?
Doug Hexter’s email address is d***@wooftrax.com
What is Doug Hexter’s business email address?
Doug Hexter’s business email address is d***@wooftrax.com
What is Doug Hexter’s direct phone number?
Doug Hexter’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Doug Hexter’s work phone number?
Doug Hexter’s headquarters phone number is (607) 216-9757
What is Doug Hexter’s latest job experience?
Doug Hexter’s latest job experience is Chief Executive Officer at World Design Group
Which industry does Doug Hexter work in?
Doug Hexter works in the industry of Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Organizations.
Who are Doug Hexter’s peers at other companies?
Doug Hexter’s peers at other companies are Brad Kreick, Robin King, Scott Harrison, Michael Hughes, David Forman.
Who are Doug Hexter’s colleagues?
Some of Doug Hexter’s colleagues are Lisa Wheeler, Mary Howard.
How can I contact Doug Hexter?
Doug Hexter contact details: Email address: d***@wooftrax.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Doug Hexter?

Doug Hexter is the Chief Executive Officer at WoofTrax based in Windsor Mill, Maryland. Previously, Doug was the Chief Executive Officer at World Design Group and also held positions at AOL.... Read More

Where is Doug Hexter based?
Doug Hexter works for WoofTrax, located at United States
Who is WoofTrax’s Chief Executive Officer?
WoofTrax's Chief Executive Officer is Doug Hexter
See more information about Doug Hexter

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