Doug Flood

Chief Marketing Officer at Godspeed

Doug Flood Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Doug Flood Current Workplace





Number of Employees

Doug Flood Work Experience Summary

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About Doug Flood

Doug Flood is the Chief Marketing Officer at Godspeed based in Collingwood, Victoria.

Doug Flood Current Workplace


2022-present (2 years)

Godspeed was opened after owner Martin Kirby worked and lived in Tokyo for years and was inspired by the Japanese attention to detail, craftsmanship and retail experience. Specialists in hard wearing, superior crafted men's apparel. Stockists of the finest selvedge denim from Japan and USA.

Doug Flood Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience




Ithaca College

Org Chart - Godspeed

Doug Flood

Chief Marketing Officer

Recent News About Doug Flood

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Doug Flood

What company does Doug Flood work for?
Doug Flood works for Godspeed as Chief Marketing Officer
What is Doug Flood’s role in Godspeed?
Doug Flood’s role in Godspeed is Chief Marketing Officer
What is Doug Flood’s direct phone number?
Doug Flood’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Doug Flood’s work phone number?
Doug Flood’s headquarters phone number is (269) 547-5477
What is Doug Flood’s latest education?
Doug Flood’s latest education in business at Ithaca College
Which industry does Doug Flood work in?
Doug Flood works in the industry of Apparel & Accessories Retail, Retail.
Who are Doug Flood’s peers at other companies?
Doug Flood’s peers at other companies are Melissa Haynes, Kerry Konrady, Sarah Crockett, Katherine Brodie, Shibani Mishra.
Who is Doug Flood?

Doug Flood is the Chief Marketing Officer at Godspeed based in Collingwood, Victoria....

Where is Doug Flood based?
Doug Flood works for Godspeed, located at Australia
Who is Godspeed’s Chief Marketing Officer?
Godspeed's Chief Marketing Officer is Doug Flood