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Dorcas Kamonjo Work Experience Summary
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3Last Update 1/7/2025 2:59 AM
About Dorcas Kamonjo
Dorcas Kamonjo is an Office Administrator at Source Marketing. They are responsible for overseeing various administrative tasks and ensuring the smooth operation of the office. Prior to their current role, Dorcas held the position of Office Administrator at the same company, demonstrating their dedication and expertise in this field. Dorcas holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, which has equipped them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their professional endeavors.
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dorcas Kamonjo
Dorcas Kamonjo is an Office Administrator at Source Marketing. They are responsible for overseeing various administrative tasks and ensuring the smooth operation of the office. Prior to their current role, Dorcas held the position of Office Administrator at the same company, demonstrating their dedication and expertise in this field. Dorcas holds a...