
Dorcas Barcenas

Senior Manager, Housing Services at DHA

Dorcas Barcenas Email & Phone number

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(214) ***-****

Dorcas Barcenas Current Workplace





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About Dorcas Barcenas

Dorcas Barcenas is a Senior Manager, Housing Services at DHA based in Dallas, Texas.Explore more

Dorcas Barcenas Current Workplace


2016-present (8 years)

The need for moving North Texas families up in the world is great. There are more than 60,000 people receiving affordable housing assistance through DHAs programs. Fifty-two percent of the people we serve are children under the age of 18. Our goal for all the families we serve is to move toward self-sufficiency, where they can lead independent lives. Supporting younger generations through education and advancement affords us a great opportunity to achieve this goal. The average estimated cost for tuition and expenses for Texas residents pursuing an undergraduate degree at an in-state school is $23,000 $40,000 per year. This is an investment that may feel unattainable for many of our residents and their children. The Opportunity Rising Foundation was created to help our families close this gap, by providing educational scholarships. When we help these students rise and pursue their education, entire families can be lifted. We have provided more than 1,000 students with nearly $1.5 milliSee more

Org Chart - DHA


Senior Manager, Housing Services




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dorcas Barcenas

What company does Dorcas Barcenas work for?
Dorcas Barcenas works for DHA as Senior Manager, Housing Services
What is Dorcas Barcenas’s role in DHA?
Dorcas Barcenas’s role in DHA is Senior Manager, Housing Services
What is Dorcas Barcenas’s email address?
Dorcas Barcenas’s email address is d***@dhantx.com
What is Dorcas Barcenas’s business email address?
Dorcas Barcenas’s business email address is d***@dhantx.com
What is Dorcas Barcenas’s direct phone number?
Dorcas Barcenas’s direct phone number is (214) ***-****
What is Dorcas Barcenas’s work phone number?
Dorcas Barcenas’s headquarters phone number is (214) 224-3622
Which industry does Dorcas Barcenas work in?
Dorcas Barcenas works in the industry of Government.
Who are Dorcas Barcenas’s peers at other companies?
Dorcas Barcenas’s peers at other companies are Sheniqua Showers, Maria Rios, Evan Villeneuve.
Who are Dorcas Barcenas’s colleagues?
Some of Dorcas Barcenas’s colleagues are Lakesha Ingram, Dana Henley, LaTasha Johnson, Griselda Prado.
How can I contact Dorcas Barcenas?
Dorcas Barcenas contact details: Email address: d***@dhantx.com Phone number: (214) ***-****
Who is Dorcas Barcenas?

Dorcas Barcenas is a Senior Manager, Housing Services at DHA based in Dallas, Texas.... Read More

Where is Dorcas Barcenas based?
Dorcas Barcenas works for DHA, located at United States
See more information about Dorcas Barcenas

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