Donna Materna

Owner at The Pentagon

Donna Materna Email & Phone number


(818) ***-****

Donna Materna Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Donna Materna

Donna Materna is an Owner at The Pentagon based in Van Nuys, California.

Donna Materna Current Workplace

The Pentagon

2005-present (20 years)

Pentagon Technology, Inc. is a manufacturer’s representative based in Los Angeles, California, providing technical sales services since 1960 across the Western United States. The company specializes in high-reliability electro-mechanical components, including custom flex circuits, sensors, and plastics and metals for industries such as medical, aerospace, and oil and gas. With expertise in assembling and testing complex electrical components, they cater to OEM clients requiring advanced technical solutions. Pentagon Technology, Inc. is committed to delivering reliable products and fostering partnerships with manufacturers to serve their clients' needs.

Org Chart - The Pentagon

Donna Materna


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Donna Materna

What company does Donna Materna work for?
Donna Materna works for The Pentagon as Owner
What is Donna Materna’s role in The Pentagon?
Donna Materna’s role in The Pentagon is Owner
What is Donna Materna’s direct phone number?
Donna Materna’s direct phone number is (818) ***-****
What is Donna Materna’s work phone number?
Donna Materna’s headquarters phone number is (818) 785-5112
Which industry does Donna Materna work in?
Donna Materna works in the industry of Consumer Electronics & Computers Retail, Retail.
Who are Donna Materna’s peers at other companies?
Donna Materna’s peers at other companies are Gerry Manzari, David Jacobs, John Payne, John Swiatkowski, Happy Feller.
Who are Donna Materna’s colleagues?
Some of Donna Materna’s colleagues are Pera Zdera, Mike Peterseim, Alex Brown, Tatiana Okshewsky.
Who is Donna Materna?

Donna Materna is an Owner at The Pentagon based in Van Nuys, California....

Where is Donna Materna based?
Donna Materna works for The Pentagon, located at United States
Who is The Pentagon’s Owner?
The Pentagon's Owner is Donna Materna