2014-present (11 years)
Donald Wigton Email & Phone number
Donald Wigton Current Workplace
1 Tesla Rd, Austin, Texas, 78725, United States
(800) 662-7232
Number of Employees
Donald Wigton Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
4Average duration at a company (years)
12Number of job titles
4About Donald Wigton
Donald Wigton is an Equipment Engineering Equipment Maintenance Technician at Tesla based in Austin, Texas.
Previously, Donald was a Master Chief Electrcian Submarines at United States Navy.
Donald Wigton Current Workplace
Tesla, Inc. designs, develops, manufactures, and sells electric vehicles and energy storage products in the United States, China, Norway, and internationally. The company operates in two segments, Automotive, and Energy Generation and Storage. It primarily offers sedans and sport utility vehicles. The company also provides electric vehicle powertrain components and systems to other manufacturers; and services for electric vehicles through its 135 company-owned service centers and Service Plus locations, as well as through Tesla Ranger mobile technicians. It sells its products through a network of company-owned stores and galleries, as well as through Internet. In addition, the company offers energy storage products, such as rechargeable lithium-ion battery systems for use in homes, commercial facilities, and utility sites. Further, the company designs, manufactures, installs, maintains, leases, and sells solar energy systems to residential and commercial customers through a sales organSee more
Donald Wigton Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Donald Wigton
Donald Wigton is an Equipment Engineering Equipment Maintenance Technician at Tesla based in Austin, Texas. Previously, Donald was a Master Chief Electrcian Submarines at United States Navy....