Dominic Ali

Account Manager at CDW

Dominic Ali Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Dominic Ali Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Dominic Ali

Dominic Ali is an Account Manager at CDW based in Vernon Hills, Illinois.

Dominic Ali Current Workplace


2019-present (6 years)

CDW is a leading multi-brand technology solutions provider to business, government, education and healthcare organizations in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. A Fortune 500 company with multi-national capabilities, CDW features dedicated account managers who help customers choose the right technology products and services to meet their needs. The companys solution architects offer expertise in designing customized solutions, while its advanced technology engineers assist customers with the implementation and long-term management of those solutions. Areas of focus include software, network communications, notebooks/mobile devices, data storage, video monitors, desktops, printers and solutions such as virtualization, collaboration, security, mobility, data center optimization and cloud computing.

Org Chart - CDW

Dominic Ali

Account Manager

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dominic Ali

What company does Dominic Ali work for?
Dominic Ali works for CDW as Account Manager
What is Dominic Ali’s role in CDW?
Dominic Ali’s role in CDW is Account Manager
What is Dominic Ali’s direct phone number?
Dominic Ali’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Dominic Ali’s work phone number?
Dominic Ali’s headquarters phone number is (847) 371-6090
Which industry does Dominic Ali work in?
Dominic Ali works in the industry of Software & Technical Consulting, Software.
Who are Dominic Ali’s peers at other companies?
Dominic Ali’s peers at other companies are Erin Stephey, Jay Celoz, Allison Scaramuzzo, Fritz Lauren, Sindy Pichardo.
Who are Dominic Ali’s colleagues?
Some of Dominic Ali’s colleagues are Erin Stephey, Jay Celoz, James Musgrow, Bobby Dosanjh.
Who is Dominic Ali?

Dominic Ali is an Account Manager at CDW based in Vernon Hills, Illinois....

Where is Dominic Ali based?
Dominic Ali works for CDW, located at United States