2014-present (11 years)
Dixie Griffin Email & Phone number
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Dixie Griffin Current Workplace
722 S Rangeline Rd, Carmel, Indiana, 46032, United States
(317) 660-0929
Number of Employees
Dixie Griffin Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
6Number of job titles
2Last Update 1/8/2025 6:32 AM
About Dixie Griffin
Dixie Griffin is the Director of Impressions at Guardian Wells Financial. They are responsible for overseeing the company's customer service and client relations. Prior to their current role, Dixie held the position of Retail Associate at Blink of an Eye. Dixie holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Truman State University.
Dixie Griffin Current Workplace
Guardian Wells Financial
At Guardian Wells Financial, we make retirement and income planning simple. We stand passionate on infusing 3 paramount defining characteristics in every retirement or financial plan we design: More choices More time Fewer hassles After all, it's these 3 things that we all endeavor to have! Imagine the culmination of strategies crafted to bring you just that. Imagine putting a plan in place in your 50's that will secure the income you need when you retire.
Dixie Griffin Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
6Number of job titles
2Work Experience
Retail Associate
Blink of an Eye2012-2014
Org Chart - Guardian Wells Financial
Dixie Griffin
Director of Impressions
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dixie Griffin
Dixie Griffin is the Director of Impressions at Guardian Wells Financial. They are responsible for overseeing the company's customer service and client relations. Prior to their current role, Dixie held the position of Retail Associate at Blink of an Eye. Dixie holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Truman State University....