Dinesh Kamath

Finance Controller at Frontline Strategy

Dinesh Kamath Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

+91 ** **** ****

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Dinesh Kamath Work Experience Summary

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About Dinesh Kamath

Dinesh Kamath is a Finance Controller at Frontline Strategy based in Mountain View, California. Previously, Dinesh was an Associate Member at Careers360. Dinesh received a Bachelor's Degree degree from University of Mumbai and a Bachelor of Commerce from Bombay University.Explore more

Dinesh Kamath Current Workplace

Frontline Strategy

2008-present (17 years)

Frontline Strategy Funds is a private equity advisory firm specializing in providing growth capital and expertise primarily to businesses in India, while also exploring opportunities in the USA, Singapore, and the ASEAN region. Founded in Mauritius in 2000, the firm has evolved into a successful investment group with a diversified private equity portfolio through its new venture capital fund management company established in Singapore in 2018. The firm focuses on adding tangible value to emerging and growth-oriented companies by leveraging its extensive experience and strong team of business leaders. Frontline Strategy Funds manages a range of investment products, including the Strategic Ventures Fund and India Industrial Growth Fund, targeting early-stage investments and small to medium enterprises.

Dinesh Kamath Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



Bachelor's Degree

University of Mumbai

Bachelor of Commerce

Bombay University
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Org Chart - Frontline Strategy


Finance Controller




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dinesh Kamath

What company does Dinesh Kamath work for?
Dinesh Kamath works for Frontline Strategy as Finance Controller
What is Dinesh Kamath’s role in Frontline Strategy?
Dinesh Kamath’s role in Frontline Strategy is Finance Controller
What is Dinesh Kamath’s email address?
Dinesh Kamath’s email address is d***@frontlinestrategy.com
What is Dinesh Kamath’s business email address?
Dinesh Kamath’s business email address is d***@frontlinestrategy.com
What is Dinesh Kamath’s direct phone number?
Dinesh Kamath’s direct phone number is +91 ** **** ****
What is Dinesh Kamath’s work phone number?
Dinesh Kamath’s headquarters phone number is +230 2125265
What is Dinesh Kamath’s latest education?
Dinesh Kamath’s latest education in Bachelor's Degree at University of Mumbai
Which industry does Dinesh Kamath work in?
Dinesh Kamath works in the industry of Investment Banking, Finance.
Who are Dinesh Kamath’s peers at other companies?
Dinesh Kamath’s peers at other companies are Jordan Monreal, Ann Kartick, Naveen Kumar, Mikchel Weston, Ankita Patel.
Who are Dinesh Kamath’s colleagues?
Some of Dinesh Kamath’s colleagues are Atim Kabra.
How can I contact Dinesh Kamath?
Dinesh Kamath contact details: Email address: d***@frontlinestrategy.com Phone number: +91 ** **** ****
Who is Dinesh Kamath?

Dinesh Kamath is a Finance Controller at Frontline Strategy based in Mountain View, California. Previously, Dinesh was an Associate Member at Careers360. Dinesh received a Bachelor's Degree degree from University of Mumbai and a Bachelor of Commerce from Bombay University.... Read More

Where is Dinesh Kamath based?
Dinesh Kamath works for Frontline Strategy, located at United States
See more information about Dinesh Kamath

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