Dilsat Akcan

Business Development at 3f Textile

Dilsat Akcan Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Dilsat Akcan Current Workplace


3f Textile


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About Dilsat Akcan

Dilsat Akcan is a Business Development at 3f Textile based in Istanbul, Istanbul.Explore more

Dilsat Akcan Current Workplace

3f Textile

2020-present (5 years)

Who we are ? 3F Textile is one of the woven suppliers in Turkey. 3f Textile specialised in short and design-lead sourcing and planning of apparel and goods such as blouses , shirts , dresses , skirts and tailor pants with various jumpsuits that follows the latest trends and customer needs for the growing market. Our core values are quality, innovation, sustainability and transparency. 3f has many facilities such as its own factories in different locations whose capacities are increasing per year with our customers needs and requests. Our factories have been audited by Sedex ,Fama, BSCI , SGS, NEXT , Bestseller . The monthly capacity is 800,000 pcs per month. On the other hand , we have many sub-cons with whom we are working closely in a serious ethical way of working. Following the fashion trends and innovations, our teams present our clients the right products at the right time. Also we have design Office in Barcelona which is located in the center called ‘Ramla de Cataluña’. We folloSee more

Org Chart - 3f Textile


Business Development




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dilsat Akcan

What company does Dilsat Akcan work for?
Dilsat Akcan works for 3f Textile as Business Development
What is Dilsat Akcan’s role in 3f Textile?
Dilsat Akcan’s role in 3f Textile is Business Development
What is Dilsat Akcan’s email address?
Dilsat Akcan’s email address is d***@3ftextile.com
What is Dilsat Akcan’s business email address?
Dilsat Akcan’s business email address is d***@3ftextile.com
What is Dilsat Akcan’s direct phone number?
Dilsat Akcan’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Dilsat Akcan’s work phone number?
Dilsat Akcan’s headquarters phone number is +90 2126031541
Which industry does Dilsat Akcan work in?
Dilsat Akcan works in the industry of Textiles & Apparel, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing.
Who are Dilsat Akcan’s peers at other companies?
Dilsat Akcan’s peers at other companies are Joshua Koonts, John Squeri, Hoss Sasin, Hunter Chan, Justin Webb.
Who are Dilsat Akcan’s colleagues?
Some of Dilsat Akcan’s colleagues are Sefa Gürel, Damla Ozdemir, Buse Elmaslı, Demet Arslan.
How can I contact Dilsat Akcan?
Dilsat Akcan contact details: Email address: d***@3ftextile.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Dilsat Akcan?

Dilsat Akcan is a Business Development at 3f Textile based in Istanbul, Istanbul.... Read More

Where is Dilsat Akcan based?
Dilsat Akcan works for 3f Textile, located at Turkey
See more information about Dilsat Akcan

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