Dieter Fourie

Account Manager at DataNet

Dieter Fourie Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Dieter Fourie Current Workplace




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Dieter Fourie Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Dieter Fourie

Dieter Fourie is an Account Manager at DataNet based in Mbabane, Hhohho. Previously, Dieter was a Sales at Nikon.Explore more

Dieter Fourie Current Workplace


2015-present (10 years)

DataNet is a dynamic and fast-growing technology & service company with operations in Swaziland, South Africa, Bangladesh. DataNet specialises in combining cutting-edge technology with proven business expertise to provide our clients with turn-key service solutions innovative combinations of software, hardware, training and people that deliver tremendous impact on a clients business. The cornerstone of our success has been innovation, and DataNet maintains not only a team of 11 software engineers, but also two laboratories for testing hardware and communication solutions. As well as developing customised solutions for clients, DataNet currently offers two very successful service products: our Central Deduction Administration System (CDAS) service for the government and financial sector, and our Direct Trader Input (DTI) services for the Customs & Excise sector. DataNets strength lies in its ability to integrate a wide range of services into a single, simple package tailored to each cliSee more

Dieter Fourie Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Promoting and Acting

downtown productions








Org Chart - DataNet


Account Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dieter Fourie

What company does Dieter Fourie work for?
Dieter Fourie works for DataNet as Account Manager
What is Dieter Fourie’s role in DataNet?
Dieter Fourie’s role in DataNet is Account Manager
What is Dieter Fourie’s direct phone number?
Dieter Fourie’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Dieter Fourie’s work phone number?
Dieter Fourie’s headquarters phone number is +268 76807200
What is Dieter Fourie’s latest job experience?
Dieter Fourie’s latest job experience is Promoting and Acting at downtown productions
Which industry does Dieter Fourie work in?
Dieter Fourie works in the industry of Software & Technical Consulting, Software.
Who are Dieter Fourie’s peers at other companies?
Dieter Fourie’s peers at other companies are Sindy Pichardo, Del Gunter, Scott Cooper, Kimberly Dunham, James Demakos.
Who are Dieter Fourie’s colleagues?
Some of Dieter Fourie’s colleagues are Tafheem Alam, Ssembatya Denis, Nomalungelo Msibi, Sindile Gama.
Who is Dieter Fourie?

Dieter Fourie is an Account Manager at DataNet based in Mbabane, Hhohho. Previously, Dieter was a Sales at Nikon.... Read More

Where is Dieter Fourie based?
Dieter Fourie works for DataNet, located at Swaziland
See more information about Dieter Fourie

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