2018-present (6 years)
Dianne Cooper Email & Phone number
Dianne Cooper Current Workplace
4000 Meridian Blvd, Franklin, Tennessee, 37067, United States
(615) 465-7000
Number of Employees
Dianne Cooper Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
3Number of job titles
1About Dianne Cooper
Dianne Cooper is a Registered Nurse at Community Health Systems based in Franklin, Tennessee.
Previously, Dianne was a Registered Nurse at B F Stinson & Son.
Dianne Cooper Current Workplace
Community Health Systems
Community Health Systems, Inc. owns, leases, and operates general acute care hospitals in the United States. It offers general acute care, emergency room, general and specialty surgery, critical care, internal medicine, obstetrics, diagnostic, psychiatric, and rehabilitation services, as well as skilled nursing and home care services. The company also provides outpatient services at primary care practices, urgent care centers, free-standing emergency departments, ambulatory surgery centers, imaging and diagnostic centers, and direct-to-consumer virtual health visits. The company was incorporated in 1996 and is headquartered in Franklin, Tennessee.
Dianne Cooper Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dianne Cooper
Dianne Cooper is a Registered Nurse at Community Health Systems based in Franklin, Tennessee. Previously, Dianne was a Registered Nurse at B F Stinson & Son....