
Dianna Urquidi

HR Coordinator at Miinc

Dianna Urquidi Email & Phone number

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(214) ***-****

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About Dianna Urquidi

Dianna Urquidi is a HR Coordinator at Miinc.Explore more

Dianna Urquidi Current Workplace


2024-present (4 months)

must provide a real benefit to our customer at a fair price. our customer at a fair price. Need An Expert Mechanical Partner For Your Project Or Business? MIINC considers itself a partner in its customers businesses, saving them time and money so they can keep operating expenses down and profits up. TX Plumbing & Medical Gas License: M-14451 TX Professional Engineering Firm License: 21213 LA Professional Engineering Firm License: EF 6790 We will provide the highest quality systems and services while honoring God, which results in the success of MIINC, our employees, and our clients. To be recognized as one of the leading providers of mechanical system solutions to our customers in Texas and targeted locations throughout the United States and internationally. MIINC will always strive to maintain the highest standards in providing mechanical system solutions to its customers. Bill ODwyer has over 35 years experience in mechanical contracting services, honing his capabilities to plan, admSee more

Org Chart - Miinc


HR Coordinator




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dianna Urquidi

What company does Dianna Urquidi work for?
Dianna Urquidi works for Miinc as HR Coordinator
What is Dianna Urquidi’s role in Miinc?
Dianna Urquidi’s role in Miinc is HR Coordinator
What is Dianna Urquidi’s email address?
Dianna Urquidi’s email address is d***@miinclp.net
What is Dianna Urquidi’s business email address?
Dianna Urquidi’s business email address is d***@miinclp.net
What is Dianna Urquidi’s direct phone number?
Dianna Urquidi’s direct phone number is (214) ***-****
Which industry does Dianna Urquidi work in?
Dianna Urquidi works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Dianna Urquidi’s peers at other companies?
Dianna Urquidi’s peers at other companies are Sharon Robles, Emma Breithaupt, Karen Shakespeare, Ben Zegada-Hurley, Ashley Pratt.
Who are Dianna Urquidi’s colleagues?
Some of Dianna Urquidi’s colleagues are Jordan Jackson, Bob Dixon.
How can I contact Dianna Urquidi?
Dianna Urquidi contact details: Email address: d***@miinclp.net Phone number: (214) ***-****
Who is Dianna Urquidi?

Dianna Urquidi is a HR Coordinator at Miinc.... Read More

Where is Dianna Urquidi based?
Dianna Urquidi works for Miinc, located at United States
See more information about Dianna Urquidi

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