2006-present (19 years)
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Last Update 11/15/2024 1:04 AM
About Diane Kaler
Diane Kaler works at DRK Miniatures, which is an Agriculture company. Diane is currently based in Oak Hill, Florida. Found email listings include: d***@drkminiatures.com.Explore more
Diane Kaler Current Workplace
DRK Miniatures
DRK has always been dedicated to producing the Best Black based Miniature Appaloosa Bloodlines in the industry. Our Top priority is ensuring lots of Love and Care to our cherished little friends followed up with our dedication to the Quality of the Appaloosa breed with an added touch of amazing color. With some exciting new changes for 2015 DRK is now pleased to announce its partnership with Tassie Freije. This is an exciting time for us as we join to move our Appaloosa program forward. DRK's horses are now happily residing at Tassie's exceptional farm in Port Crane, New York where they have the Best of everything and lots of beautiful pastures to enjoy. DRK will not only continue our dedication to producing Top Quality foals but will focus on showing and spotlighting our exceptional snowcap stallion CCMF Piano Mans Tuxedo along with his amazing get. We couldn't be happier with his 2014 foals. Producing exceptional quality with beautifully dished heads and refinement. 2014 weanling colSee more
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