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3Last Update 10/29/2024 4:55 AM
About Diane Baker
Diane Baker is a Chief Executive Officer at Baker Consulting based in The Bronx, New York. Previously, Diane was a Board Member at Brooklyn Children's Museum and also held positions at Sleep Innovations, The New York Times. Diane received a B. A. degree from Barnard College and a M. B. A. from Columbia Graduate School of Business.Read moreDiane Baker Current Workplace
Diane Baker Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
5Average duration at a company (years)
9Number of job titles
3Work Experience
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Recent News About Diane Baker
Board of Directors
Diane Price Baker , former Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Atari, Inc. , a major video game manufacturer. Previously, she was...Press Highlights - Sawaya Segalas
Diane P. Baker , Chairwoman of Sleep Innovations said, "On behalf of the management team of the Company and the Board of Directors, I am pleased that ...Press Highlights - Sawaya Segalas
Diane Baker , Chairwoman of Sleep Innovations said, "On behalf of the management team of the company and the Board of Directors, I am pleased that we ...Press Highlights - Sawaya Segalas
Diane Baker , Chairwoman of Sleep Innovations said, "On behalf of the management team of the company and the Board of Directors, I am pleased that we ...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Diane Baker
Diane Baker is a Chief Executive Officer at Baker Consulting based in The Bronx, New York. Previously, Diane was a Board Member at Brooklyn Children's Museum and also held positions at Sleep Innovations, The New York Times. Diane received a B. A. degree from Barnard College and a M. B. A. from Columbia Graduate School of Business.... Read More