Diana Vastardis

Systems Specialist at Genentech

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Diana Vastardis Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Diana Vastardis Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Diana Vastardis Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Diana Vastardis

Diana Vastardis is a Systems Specialist at Genentech based in South San Francisco, California. Previously, Diana was an IT Application Management Systems Specialist at Roche.

Diana Vastardis Current Workplace


2023-present (1 year)

Genentech, based in South San Francisco, California, is a biotechnology company specializing in the development of innovative therapies for serious medical conditions. Founded in 1976, Genentech serves the healthcare sector with a focus on research and development of biopharmaceuticals to improve patient outcomes.

Diana Vastardis Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Business Systems Analyst



IT Application Management Systems Specialist



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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Diana Vastardis

What company does Diana Vastardis work for?
Diana Vastardis works for Genentech as Systems Specialist
What is Diana Vastardis’s role in Genentech?
Diana Vastardis’s role in Genentech is Systems Specialist
What is Diana Vastardis’s email address?
Diana Vastardis’s email address is v***@gene.com
What is Diana Vastardis’s business email address?
Diana Vastardis’s business email address is v***@gene.com
What is Diana Vastardis’s direct phone number?
Diana Vastardis’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Diana Vastardis’s work phone number?
Diana Vastardis’s headquarters phone number is (877) 436-3683
What is Diana Vastardis’s latest job experience?
Diana Vastardis’s latest job experience is Senior Business Systems Analyst at Roche
Which industry does Diana Vastardis work in?
Diana Vastardis works in the industry of Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Glass & Gases, Manufacturing.
Who are Diana Vastardis’s peers at other companies?
Diana Vastardis’s peers at other companies are Ladreka Washington, Teresa Frye, Bob Fritch, Eduardo Tanpinco, Jan Hanekom.
Who are Diana Vastardis’s colleagues?
Some of Diana Vastardis’s colleagues are Angela Gieber, Kimberlie Hicks, Bridget Wagner, Liming Hou.
How can I contact Diana Vastardis?
Diana Vastardis contact details: Email address: v***@gene.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Diana Vastardis?

Diana Vastardis is a Systems Specialist at Genentech based in South San Francisco, California. Previously, Diana was an IT Application Management Systems Specialist at Roche....

Where is Diana Vastardis based?
Diana Vastardis works for Genentech, located at United States