Diana Lassen

Office Manager at Oz Custom Built Homes

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(***) ***-****

Diana Lassen Current Workplace


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About Diana Lassen

Diana Lassen is the Office Manager at Oz Custom Built Homes. They are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the office and ensuring the smooth running of the business. Lassen holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Winthrop University, which has equipped them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their current role.Explore more

Diana Lassen Current Workplace

Oz Custom Built Homes

1999-present (26 years)

OZ Homes has been building prestigious homes in the Fort Mill area of South Carolina for several years. We're known for working with our homeowners, creating custom home office spaces, hobby areas, exercise rooms, home theaters and any other special comfort and practicality combined with elegant design. With large lots to accommodate a large home 'footprint', we can build your plan, or you can come by and browse our current inventory. Stop by and ask us about homes we currently have under development or will be starting soon. As active members of the communities they live and build in, the staff are dedicated to meeting the demands of North and South Carolina's savvy home buyers.

Org Chart - Oz Custom Built Homes


Office Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Diana Lassen

What company does Diana Lassen work for?
Diana Lassen works for Oz Custom Built Homes as Office Manager
What is Diana Lassen’s role in Oz Custom Built Homes?
Diana Lassen’s role in Oz Custom Built Homes is Office Manager
What is Diana Lassen’s email address?
Diana Lassen’s email address is d***@ozcbh.com
What is Diana Lassen’s business email address?
Diana Lassen’s business email address is d***@ozcbh.com
What is Diana Lassen’s direct phone number?
Diana Lassen’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Diana Lassen’s work phone number?
Diana Lassen’s headquarters phone number is (803) 242-0050
Which industry does Diana Lassen work in?
Diana Lassen works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Diana Lassen’s peers at other companies?
Diana Lassen’s peers at other companies are Andrea Smyle, Silvia Estrada, Angela Harral, Ermin Elezoviq, Jennifer Beard.
How can I contact Diana Lassen?
Diana Lassen contact details: Email address: d***@ozcbh.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Diana Lassen?

Diana Lassen is the Office Manager at Oz Custom Built Homes. They are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the office and ensuring the smooth running of the business. Lassen holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Winthrop University, which has equipped them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their current role.... Read More

Where is Diana Lassen based?
Diana Lassen works for Oz Custom Built Homes, located at United States
See more information about Diana Lassen

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