Dhimant BhayaniA+

Dhimant Bhayani

Founder & Chief Executive Officer at iRevo Multimedia

Dhimant Bhayani Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Dhimant Bhayani Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Dhimant Bhayani Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Dhimant Bhayani

Dhimant Bhayani is the Founder & Chief Executive Officer at iRevo Multimedia based in Santa Clara, California. Previously, Dhimant was the Managing, A Operations Partner (US) at Spectross and also held positions at INC3 Ventures, Coaxial Networks, Media Computer Technologies, Adamya Technologies, Vicom Systems, Video Seven. Dhimant received a BS degree from State University of New York , College at Buffalo and a B. S. from SUNY , College at Buffalo.

Dhimant Bhayani Current Workplace

iRevo Multimedia

2008-present (17 years)

iRevo Multimedia, Inc. is a leading provider of cloud based software platforms, apps and solutions for Digital Signage, Social Media streaming, Channel Playout and OTT + Live TV streaming markets to deliver content across multiple OS platforms and four screens: TVs, Tablets, Smartphones and PCs. iRevo Multimedia, Inc. is a privately held company located in Silicon Valley, California.

Dhimant Bhayani Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Managing, A Operations Partner (US)



Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Media Computer Technologies


Various Engineering and Technical Management Positions

Adamya Technologies


Various Engineering and Technical Management Positions

Vicom Systems




BS - Electronics Engineering

State University of New York , College at Buffalo

B. S. - Electronics Engineering

SUNY , College at Buffalo

BS - Electronics Engineering

SUNY , Buffalo

BS - Electronics Engineering

SUNY College
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Member

Coaxial Networks


Chief Executive Officer

INC3 Ventures


TiE Silicon Valley Charter Member

Tie Institute

Org Chart - iRevo Multimedia

Profile Picture

Dhimant Bhayani

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Recent News About Dhimant Bhayani

Web References
Web References

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dhimant Bhayani

What company does Dhimant Bhayani work for?
Dhimant Bhayani works for iRevo Multimedia as Founder & Chief Executive Officer
What is Dhimant Bhayani’s role in iRevo Multimedia?
Dhimant Bhayani’s role in iRevo Multimedia is Founder & Chief Executive Officer
What is Dhimant Bhayani’s email address?
Dhimant Bhayani’s email address is d***@irevomm.com
What is Dhimant Bhayani’s business email address?
Dhimant Bhayani’s business email address is d***@irevomm.com
What is Dhimant Bhayani’s direct phone number?
Dhimant Bhayani’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Dhimant Bhayani’s work phone number?
Dhimant Bhayani’s headquarters phone number is (408) 330-0917
What is Dhimant Bhayani’s latest job experience?
Dhimant Bhayani’s latest job experience is Managing, A Operations Partner (US) at Spectross
What is Dhimant Bhayani’s latest education?
Dhimant Bhayani’s latest education in BS - Electronics Engineering at State University of New York , College at Buffalo
Which industry does Dhimant Bhayani work in?
Dhimant Bhayani works in the industry of Telephony & Wireless, Telecommunications.
Who are Dhimant Bhayani’s peers at other companies?
Dhimant Bhayani’s peers at other companies are Steffan Howey, Deepak Sharma, H. Thomas, Mette McCall, Vishal Garg.
Who are Dhimant Bhayani’s colleagues?
Some of Dhimant Bhayani’s colleagues are Waman Parulekar, Narasimham Kv, Siddharth Pramanik, Yogesh Godse.
How can I contact Dhimant Bhayani?
Dhimant Bhayani contact details: Email address: d***@irevomm.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Dhimant Bhayani?

Dhimant Bhayani is the Founder & Chief Executive Officer at iRevo Multimedia based in Santa Clara, California. Previously, Dhimant was the Managing, A Operations Partner (US) at Spectross and also held positions at INC3 Ventures, Coaxial Networks, Media Computer Technologies, Adamya Technologies, Vicom Systems, Video Seven. Dhimant received a BS... degree from State University of New York , College at Buffalo and a B. S. from SUNY , College at Buffalo.

Where is Dhimant Bhayani based?
Dhimant Bhayani works for iRevo Multimedia, located at United States
Who is iRevo Multimedia’s Founder & Chief Executive Officer?
iRevo Multimedia's Founder & Chief Executive Officer is Dhimant Bhayani