
Derek Caney

Controller at Hi-Tek Manufacturing

Derek Caney Email & Phone number


(513) ***-****

Derek Caney Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Derek Caney Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Derek Caney

Derek Caney is a Controller at Hi-Tek Manufacturing based in Mason, Ohio. Previously, Derek was a Senior Manager, Cost Accounting at Ellison Surface Technologies and also held positions at Makino. Derek received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Wilmington College.

Derek Caney Current Workplace

Hi-Tek Manufacturing

2014-present (11 years)

Hi-Tek Manufacturing, Inc. provides manufacturing services for the gas turbine and aerospace industries. It offers custom services, such as CNC milling, turning, and grinding; and electrical discharge machining, laser processing, and process support services. The company also provides aviation and land-based turbine parts, such as HPT blades, HPT and LPT vanes, tube and ring products, casings and liners, heat shields and fairings, and ring segments. In addition, it offers support for component production to a major gas turbine and airframe manufacturers. Hi-Tek Manufacturing, Inc. was formerly known as System EDM, Inc. and changed its name to Hi-Tek Manufacturing, Inc. in December 1989. Hi-Tek Manufacturing, Inc. was founded in 1980 and is based in Mason, Ohio.

Derek Caney Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Manager, Cost Accounting

Ellison Surface Technologies


Senior Accountant



Assistant Controller

TAC Americas




Bachelor of Arts - Accounting and Management (double major)

Wilmington College

Org Chart - Hi-Tek Manufacturing

Derek Caney


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Derek Caney

What company does Derek Caney work for?
Derek Caney works for Hi-Tek Manufacturing as Controller
What is Derek Caney’s role in Hi-Tek Manufacturing?
Derek Caney’s role in Hi-Tek Manufacturing is Controller
What is Derek Caney’s email address?
Derek Caney’s email address is d***@hitekmfg.com
What is Derek Caney’s business email address?
Derek Caney’s business email address is d***@hitekmfg.com
What is Derek Caney’s direct phone number?
Derek Caney’s direct phone number is (513) ***-****
What is Derek Caney’s work phone number?
Derek Caney’s headquarters phone number is (513) 459-1094
What is Derek Caney’s latest job experience?
Derek Caney’s latest job experience is Senior Manager, Cost Accounting at Ellison Surface Technologies
What is Derek Caney’s latest education?
Derek Caney’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts - Accounting and Management (double major) at Wilmington College
Which industry does Derek Caney work in?
Derek Caney works in the industry of Aerospace & Defense, Manufacturing.
Who are Derek Caney’s peers at other companies?
Derek Caney’s peers at other companies are David Bates, Dianna Davey, John Cashero, Randi Watson, Michael Barachina.
Who are Derek Caney’s colleagues?
Some of Derek Caney’s colleagues are Bryan Hunter, Ted Kissel, Dean Yater, Karen Gadzala.
How can I contact Derek Caney?
Derek Caney contact details: Email address: d***@hitekmfg.com Phone number: (513) ***-****
Who is Derek Caney?

Derek Caney is a Controller at Hi-Tek Manufacturing based in Mason, Ohio. Previously, Derek was a Senior Manager, Cost Accounting at Ellison Surface Technologies and also held positions at Makino. Derek received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Wilmington College....

Where is Derek Caney based?
Derek Caney works for Hi-Tek Manufacturing, located at United States