Denise Vu Broady

Denise Vu Broady

Chief Marketing Officer at Collibra

Denise Vu Broady Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(212) ***-****

Denise Vu Broady Current Workplace




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Number of Employees

Denise Vu Broady Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Denise Vu Broady

Denise Vu Broady is the Chief Marketing Officer responsible for accelerating the marketing strategy, brand recognition, and growth marketing across the globe. Prior to Collibra, Denise has 25+ years of enterprise technology experience and has held leadership roles at Appian, WorkForce Software, and SAP, with experience in go-to market, product launches, strategy, marketing, communications, and operations. Denise holds a double bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Production and Operations from Virginia Tech.Explore more

Denise Vu Broady Current Workplace


2022-present (2 years)

Founded in 2008 and headquartered New York City, New York, Collibra designs and develops cloud-based platform that connects IT and the business to build a data-driven culture for the digital enterprise, as well as accelerate trusted business outcomes by connecting the right data, insights, and algorithms to all data citizens.

Denise Vu Broady Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Chief Marketing Officer



Vice President, Markets Strategy Competitive & Market Intelligence



Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Member



Advisory Board Member



Org Chart - Collibra

Profile Picture

Chief Marketing Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Denise Vu Broady

What company does Denise Vu Broady work for?
Denise Vu Broady works for Collibra as Chief Marketing Officer
What is Denise Vu Broady’s role in Collibra?
Denise Vu Broady’s role in Collibra is Chief Marketing Officer
What is Denise Vu Broady’s direct phone number?
Denise Vu Broady’s direct phone number is (212) ***-****
What is Denise Vu Broady’s work phone number?
Denise Vu Broady’s headquarters phone number is (646) 893-3042
What is Denise Vu Broady’s latest job experience?
Denise Vu Broady’s latest job experience is Chief Marketing Officer at Appian
Which industry does Denise Vu Broady work in?
Denise Vu Broady works in the industry of Business Intelligence (BI) Software, Software Development & Design, Software.
Who are Denise Vu Broady’s peers at other companies?
Denise Vu Broady’s peers at other companies are Kevin Ruane, Beth Ellard, Viki Zabala, Timothy Fitzgerald, Anush Alexander.
Who are Denise Vu Broady’s colleagues?
Some of Denise Vu Broady’s colleagues are Eric Gerstner, Anthony Torres, Santosh Thakur, Nicholas Fly.
Who is Denise Vu Broady?

Denise Vu Broady is the Chief Marketing Officer responsible for accelerating the marketing strategy, brand recognition, and growth marketing across the globe. Prior to Collibra, Denise has 25+ years of enterprise technology experience and has held leadership roles at Appian, WorkForce Software, and SAP, with experience in go-to market, product laun... ches, strategy, marketing, communications, and operations. Denise holds a double bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Production and Operations from Virginia Tech.Read More

Where is Denise Vu Broady based?
Denise Vu Broady works for Collibra, located at United States
Who is Collibra’s Chief Marketing Officer?
Collibra's Chief Marketing Officer is Denise Vu Broady
See more information about Denise Vu Broady

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