Denise Brunck

Math Teacher at Mount Notre Dame High School

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Denise Brunck Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Denise Brunck Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Denise Brunck Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Denise Brunck

Denise Brunck is a Math Teacher at Mount Notre Dame High School based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Previously, Denise was a Teacher at De La Salle Middle School and also held positions at Mount Notre Dame High School, Ethicon Endo-Surgery. Denise received a Bachelor of Science degree from University Of Cincinnati.

Denise Brunck Current Workplace

Mount Notre Dame High School

2012-present (13 years)

Mount Notre Dame High School (MND) is an exceptional Catholic, college-preparatory high school for young women.

Denise Brunck Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Math Specialist

Mount Notre Dame High School


Engineering Co-op

Ethicon Endo-Surgery




Bachelor of Science

University Of Cincinnati

Org Chart - Mount Notre Dame High School

Denise Brunck

Math Teacher

Recent News About Denise Brunck

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Denise Brunck

What company does Denise Brunck work for?
Denise Brunck works for Mount Notre Dame High School as Math Teacher
What is Denise Brunck’s role in Mount Notre Dame High School?
Denise Brunck’s role in Mount Notre Dame High School is Math Teacher
What is Denise Brunck’s direct phone number?
Denise Brunck’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Denise Brunck’s work phone number?
Denise Brunck’s headquarters phone number is (513) 821-3044
What is Denise Brunck’s latest job experience?
Denise Brunck’s latest job experience is Teacher at De La Salle Middle School
What is Denise Brunck’s latest education?
Denise Brunck’s latest education in Bachelor of Science at University Of Cincinnati
Which industry does Denise Brunck work in?
Denise Brunck works in the industry of Education General, Education.
Who are Denise Brunck’s peers at other companies?
Denise Brunck’s peers at other companies are Monique Aldridge, Ken Hunsberger, Tom Kosche, Jacqueline Westermeyer, Lori Sneed.
Who are Denise Brunck’s colleagues?
Some of Denise Brunck’s colleagues are Mount Dame, Mark Stahl, Ciara Wittich, Melissa Capella.
Who is Denise Brunck?

Denise Brunck is a Math Teacher at Mount Notre Dame High School based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Previously, Denise was a Teacher at De La Salle Middle School and also held positions at Mount Notre Dame High School, Ethicon Endo-Surgery. Denise received a Bachelor of Science degree from University Of Cincinnati....

Where is Denise Brunck based?
Denise Brunck works for Mount Notre Dame High School, located at United States