Denis Curtev

Producer at Nuare Studio

Denis Curtev Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Denis Curtev Current Workplace



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Denis Curtev Work Experience Summary

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About Denis Curtev

Denis Curtev is a Producer at Nuare Studio based in Windsor, Ontario. Previously, Denis was a Project Manager at Nuare Studio.Explore more

Denis Curtev Current Workplace

Nuare Studio

2016-present (8 years)

Nuare is a team of professional artists driven by the pursuit of quality and perfection in art. We are concept artists, 3d modelers, illustrators, animators as well as enthusiasts and perfectionists. Our studio strives to provide outstanding quality multiplied to a modern design done within the timeframe you have. Founded in 2006, Nuare Studio is working with a number of prominent studios and companies from around the world, on different titles and projects, where we always deliver extra quality and a touch of a style. We are experienced in making award-winning video-games, movies, advertising, branding, full art-style development, animation, 2D art, 3D high and low poly modeling, texturing, VFX and much more. Our flexible production pipeline is designed to meet your needs and work well with your established schedule and requirements. Nuare management team helps to maintain a clear and convenient line of communication and is ready to work with your existing tracking software.

Denis Curtev Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Project Manager

Nuare Studio


Org Chart - Nuare Studio






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Denis Curtev

What company does Denis Curtev work for?
Denis Curtev works for Nuare Studio as Producer
What is Denis Curtev’s role in Nuare Studio?
Denis Curtev’s role in Nuare Studio is Producer
What is Denis Curtev’s email address?
Denis Curtev’s email address is d***@nuarestudio.com
What is Denis Curtev’s business email address?
Denis Curtev’s business email address is d***@nuarestudio.com
What is Denis Curtev’s direct phone number?
Denis Curtev’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Denis Curtev’s work phone number?
Denis Curtev’s headquarters phone number is (416) 832-6111
What is Denis Curtev’s latest job experience?
Denis Curtev’s latest job experience is Project Manager at Nuare Studio
Which industry does Denis Curtev work in?
Denis Curtev works in the industry of Broadcasting, Media & Internet.
Who are Denis Curtev’s peers at other companies?
Denis Curtev’s peers at other companies are Mary Hood, Caroline Goujard, Rita Hayes-Smith, Jenn Rourke, Kevin Robertson.
Who are Denis Curtev’s colleagues?
Some of Denis Curtev’s colleagues are Igor Pochtennov, Adel Khanov, Ilia Medvedev, Yan Kansky.
How can I contact Denis Curtev?
Denis Curtev contact details: Email address: d***@nuarestudio.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Denis Curtev?

Denis Curtev is a Producer at Nuare Studio based in Windsor, Ontario. Previously, Denis was a Project Manager at Nuare Studio.... Read More

Where is Denis Curtev based?
Denis Curtev works for Nuare Studio, located at Canada
See more information about Denis Curtev

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