Demetrio Garcia

Gestor at Sinopec International Petroleum Service

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(***) ***-****

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Demetrio Garcia Work Experience Summary

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About Demetrio Garcia

Demetrio Garcia works as a Gestor at Sinopec International Petroleum Service, which is a Convenience Stores, Gas Stations & Liquor Stores company with an estimated 7 employees. They used to work at NOTARIA 11 CERRO AZUL, VER. and corporacion ambiental de mexico. Found email listings include: @sipsc.com.Explore more

Demetrio Garcia Current Workplace

SINOPEC PETROLEUM SERVICE is the window to the outside world for all upstream enterprises in the Sinopec Group; SINOPEC PETROLEUM SERVICE maintains stable strategic alliances with major global oil companies. It is pushing forward overseas cooperation in contacting international petroleum and petrochemical projects and other related service business, processing for the purpose of achieving mutual benefits. So far, petroleum engineering and service teams of SINOPEC Group have fulfilled more than 100 petroleum engineering projects in 44 countries and regions. In 2004, SINOPEC Group was awarded projects with a total contract value of over 400 million US Dollars in 21 countries. With our consistent endeavor, SINOPEC PETROLEUM SERVICE is progressing with the times and keeps an unprecedented momentum of rapid growth. Finally, on behalf of the Board of Directors of SINOPEC PETROLEUM SERVICE, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude for your continued support to the company around the world.See more

Demetrio Garcia Work Experience & Education

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Gestor En Notaria Y Auxiliar En Oficina



Supervisor De Seguridad

corporacion ambiental de mexico


Soporte Técnico Mantenimiento Server



Control De Calidad

Geo Estratos SA de CV


Org Chart - Sinopec International Petroleum Service






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Demetrio Garcia

What company does Demetrio Garcia work for?
Demetrio Garcia works for Sinopec International Petroleum Service as Gestor
What is Demetrio Garcia’s role in Sinopec International Petroleum Service?
Demetrio Garcia’s role in Sinopec International Petroleum Service is Gestor
What is Demetrio Garcia’s email address?
Demetrio Garcia’s email address is g***@sipsc.com
What is Demetrio Garcia’s business email address?
Demetrio Garcia’s business email address is g***@sipsc.com
What is Demetrio Garcia’s direct phone number?
Demetrio Garcia’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Demetrio Garcia’s latest job experience?
Demetrio Garcia’s latest job experience is Gestor En Notaria Y Auxiliar En Oficina at NOTARIA 11 CERRO AZUL, VER.
Which industry does Demetrio Garcia work in?
Demetrio Garcia works in the industry of Membership Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Demetrio Garcia’s peers at other companies?
Demetrio Garcia’s peers at other companies are Ben Rodriguez, Luis Lutzow Aguilar, Cristiano Hack, Jean Marques, Antonio Barranco.
Who are Demetrio Garcia’s colleagues?
Some of Demetrio Garcia’s colleagues are Alla Bourekab, Mutale Geofrey, Naveed Iqbal, Abdulrahman Alkulaib.
How can I contact Demetrio Garcia?
Demetrio Garcia contact details: Email address: g***@sipsc.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
See more information about Demetrio Garcia

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