
Debra Garcia

Administrative Aide at Rialto Fire Department

Debra Garcia Email & Phone number


(909) ***-****

Debra Garcia Current Workplace


Number of Employees


Debra Garcia Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Debra Garcia

Debra Garcia is an Administrative Aide at Rialto Fire Department. Previously, Debra was a Clerical Aide at City of Rialto.

Debra Garcia Current Workplace

Rialto Fire Department

2022-present (2 years)

Rialto Fire Department is a company that operates in the Government industry. It employs 100to249 people and has 10Mto25M of revenue. The company is headquartered in the United States.

Debra Garcia Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Clerical Aide

City of Rialto


Org Chart - Rialto Fire Department

Debra Garcia

Administrative Aide

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Debra Garcia

What company does Debra Garcia work for?
Debra Garcia works for Rialto Fire Department as Administrative Aide
What is Debra Garcia’s role in Rialto Fire Department?
Debra Garcia’s role in Rialto Fire Department is Administrative Aide
What is Debra Garcia’s email address?
Debra Garcia’s email address is d***@rialtoca.gov
What is Debra Garcia’s business email address?
Debra Garcia’s business email address is d***@rialtoca.gov
What is Debra Garcia’s direct phone number?
Debra Garcia’s direct phone number is (909) ***-****
What is Debra Garcia’s latest job experience?
Debra Garcia’s latest job experience is Clerical Aide at City of Rialto
Which industry does Debra Garcia work in?
Debra Garcia works in the industry of Government.
Who are Debra Garcia’s peers at other companies?
Debra Garcia’s peers at other companies are Seletha Jones-Willis, Irene Hernandez, Tiffany Madden, Ahymara Sanchez, Katie Engel.
Who are Debra Garcia’s colleagues?
Some of Debra Garcia’s colleagues are Freddie Gaucin, Wilson Che, Gerardo Bueno, Jennifer Rubio-Cruz.
How can I contact Debra Garcia?
Debra Garcia contact details: Email address: d***@rialtoca.gov Phone number: (909) ***-****
Who is Debra Garcia?

Debra Garcia is an Administrative Aide at Rialto Fire Department. Previously, Debra was a Clerical Aide at City of Rialto....

Where is Debra Garcia based?
Debra Garcia works for Rialto Fire Department, located at United States