Debbie Scavuzzo

Adjunct Instructor and Lead University Mentor at Bowling Green State University

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Debbie Scavuzzo Email & Phone number


(419) ***-****

Debbie Scavuzzo Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Debbie Scavuzzo Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Debbie Scavuzzo

Debbie Scavuzzo is an Adjunct Instructor and Lead University Mentor at Bowling Green State University based in Bowling Green, Ohio. Previously, Debbie was a Preschool Teacher at Norwalk Catholic School and also held positions at Cuyahoga Community College, Child Care Resource Center. Debbie received a Bachelor of Science degree from Bowling Green State University and a Master of Science from Miami University.

Debbie Scavuzzo Current Workplace

Bowling Green State University

2012-present (13 years)

Founded in 1910, Bowling Green State University offers degrees in both undergraduate and graduate-level curriculum. The school offers degree programs in biological science, English, mathematics, media, philosophy, sociology, and technology management. Headquartered in Bowling Green, Ohio.

Debbie Scavuzzo Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Preschool Teacher

Norwalk Catholic School


Assistant Professor

Cuyahoga Community College


Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten Teacher

Sts. Peter & Paul School




Bachelor of Science - in Education, Child and Family Development

Bowling Green State University

Master of Science - Family & Child Studies

Miami University

Org Chart - Bowling Green State University

Debbie Scavuzzo

Adjunct Instructor and Lead Univers...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Debbie Scavuzzo

What company does Debbie Scavuzzo work for?
Debbie Scavuzzo works for Bowling Green State University as Adjunct Instructor and Lead University Mentor
What is Debbie Scavuzzo’s role in Bowling Green State University?
Debbie Scavuzzo’s role in Bowling Green State University is Adjunct Instructor and Lead University Mentor
What is Debbie Scavuzzo’s direct phone number?
Debbie Scavuzzo’s direct phone number is (419) ***-****
What is Debbie Scavuzzo’s work phone number?
Debbie Scavuzzo’s headquarters phone number is (419) 372-2531
What is Debbie Scavuzzo’s latest job experience?
Debbie Scavuzzo’s latest job experience is Preschool Teacher at Norwalk Catholic School
What is Debbie Scavuzzo’s latest education?
Debbie Scavuzzo’s latest education in Bachelor of Science - in Education, Child and Family Development at Bowling Green State University
Which industry does Debbie Scavuzzo work in?
Debbie Scavuzzo works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Debbie Scavuzzo’s colleagues?
Some of Debbie Scavuzzo’s colleagues are Latosha Gullatt, Ariel Kasler, Kerrie Kreisher, Jason Hartigan.
Who is Debbie Scavuzzo?

Debbie Scavuzzo is an Adjunct Instructor and Lead University Mentor at Bowling Green State University based in Bowling Green, Ohio. Previously, Debbie was a Preschool Teacher at Norwalk Catholic School and also held positions at Cuyahoga Community College, Child Care Resource Center. Debbie received a Bachelor of Science degree from Bowling Green... State University and a Master of Science from Miami University.

Where is Debbie Scavuzzo based?
Debbie Scavuzzo works for Bowling Green State University, located at United States