2012-present (13 years)
Debbie Scavuzzo
Adjunct Instructor and Lead University Mentor at Bowling Green State University
Debbie Scavuzzo Email & Phone number
Debbie Scavuzzo Current Workplace
220 Mcfall Ctr, Bowling Green, Ohio, 43403, United States
Phone Number
(419) 372-2531
Number of Employees
Debbie Scavuzzo Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
5Average duration at a company (years)
5Number of job titles
5About Debbie Scavuzzo
Debbie Scavuzzo is an Adjunct Instructor and Lead University Mentor at Bowling Green State University based in Bowling Green, Ohio.
Previously, Debbie was a Preschool Teacher at Norwalk Catholic School and also held positions at Cuyahoga Community College, Child Care Resource Center.
Debbie received a Bachelor of Science degree from Bowling Green State University and a Master of Science from Miami University.
Debbie Scavuzzo Current Workplace
Bowling Green State University
Founded in 1910, Bowling Green State University offers degrees in both undergraduate and graduate-level curriculum. The school offers degree programs in biological science, English, mathematics, media, philosophy, sociology, and technology management. Headquartered in Bowling Green, Ohio.
Debbie Scavuzzo Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
5Average duration at a company (years)
5Number of job titles
Bachelor of Science - in Education, Child and Family Development
Bowling Green State UniversityMaster of Science - Family & Child Studies
Miami UniversityRecent News About Debbie Scavuzzo
Mrs. Scavuzzo
Mrs. Deb Scavuzzo Mrs. Scavuzzo Mrs. Scavuzzo has been teaching at NCS for three years . She has also taught at St. Peter and Paul in Sandusky a...NCS ECC - Staff
Mrs. Debra Scavuzzo kjubak@ncsmail.org dscavuzzo@ncsmail.org
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Debbie Scavuzzo
Debbie Scavuzzo is an Adjunct Instructor and Lead University Mentor at Bowling Green State University based in Bowling Green, Ohio. Previously, Debbie was a Preschool Teacher at Norwalk Catholic School and also held positions at Cuyahoga Community College, Child Care Resource Center. Debbie received a Bachelor of Science degree from Bowling Green...