2014-present (11 years)
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About Dean Thompson
Dean Thompson works as a Managing Director at Danmik, which is an Industrial Machinery & Equipment company with an estimated 17 employees. Their management level is C-Level. Dean is currently based in South Africa. Found email listings include: @danmik.co.za.Explore more
Dean Thompson Current Workplace
Established in April 2005 as a family concern, the companys main line of business was the distribution of portable 3000rpm, 2 pole generators for the power & construction industry, hence the companys name. The units were powered by the Thompson range of diesel and petrol 3000rpm engines, imported from ASIA and marketed under sole distributorship throughout Sub Saharan Africa. As the company grew, more portable line products still powered by small diesel & petrol engines were incorporated; these complimented the current market and also opened new doors to new markets. At this point the product range included: For the following two years the company grew the market and extended its reach into neighboring countries increasing the brand recognition of the Thompson series engine. As the reputation of the company grew so did the demand for higher specification generators and at this point these were outsourced to numerous local O.E.Ms and distributors and resold into the market at a premium.See more
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