
Dean Gurr

Principal at Canning Vale College

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(***) ***-****

Dean Gurr Current Workplace



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Dean Gurr Work Experience Summary

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About Dean Gurr

Dean Gurr is a School Principal at Gilmore College based in Kwinana, Western Australia. Previously, Dean was a HOLA Science at Pinjarra Senior High School and also held positions at Narrogin Senior High School.Explore more

Dean Gurr Current Workplace

Canning Vale College

2024-present (7 months)

We support every student to engage, progress and develop throughout their time at our College so that they can transition to their chosen post school options and contribute responsibly and positively to their community and society as a whole. We are the leading school of choice in our local area and our daily focus is on care and concern for our students, diverse and high quality teaching and learning, maintaining and building connection to our community and local networks, enabling us to provide differentiation of curriculum delivery and positive outcomes for all students. It is my pleasure to undertake the role of Principal at Canning Vale College while Paul Bottcher is on leave. I bring more than 25 years of experience in the public education system in Western Australia. My journey has included the role of Health and Physical education teacher, Level 3 Classroom teacher, Program Coordinator, Deputy Principal and Vice Principal as well as a number of years teaching overseas.

Dean Gurr Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

School Principal

Gilmore College


Associate Principal

Gilmore College


HOLA Science

Pinjarra Senior High School


Deputy Principal

Narrogin Senior High School


Org Chart - Canning Vale College






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dean Gurr

What company does Dean Gurr work for?
Dean Gurr works for Canning Vale College as Principal
What is Dean Gurr’s role in Canning Vale College?
Dean Gurr’s role in Canning Vale College is Principal
What is Dean Gurr’s email address?
Dean Gurr’s email address is d***@education.wa.edu.au
What is Dean Gurr’s business email address?
Dean Gurr’s business email address is d***@education.wa.edu.au
What is Dean Gurr’s direct phone number?
Dean Gurr’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Dean Gurr’s work phone number?
Dean Gurr’s headquarters phone number is +61 893349000
What is Dean Gurr’s latest job experience?
Dean Gurr’s latest job experience is School Principal at Gilmore College
Which industry does Dean Gurr work in?
Dean Gurr works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Dean Gurr’s peers at other companies?
Dean Gurr’s peers at other companies are Stefanie Page, Gloria Cheng, Lisa Wheeler, Dwayne Tournier, Laura Draper.
Who are Dean Gurr’s colleagues?
Some of Dean Gurr’s colleagues are Vanessa Bayliss, Houda Tiba, Aisha Barnard, Pauline Yii.
How can I contact Dean Gurr?
Dean Gurr contact details: Email address: d***@education.wa.edu.au Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Dean Gurr?

Dean Gurr is a School Principal at Gilmore College based in Kwinana, Western Australia. Previously, Dean was a HOLA Science at Pinjarra Senior High School and also held positions at Narrogin Senior High School.... Read More

Where is Dean Gurr based?
Dean Gurr works for Canning Vale College, located at Australia
See more information about Dean Gurr

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