2022-present (3 years)
Dawn Stark Email & Phone number
Dawn Stark Current Workplace
800 Capitol St Ste 3000, Houston, Texas, 77002, United States
Phone Number
(713) 512-6200
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About Dawn Stark
Dawn Stark is a Sales at Waste Management based in Houston, Texas.Explore more
Dawn Stark Current Workplace
Waste Management
Waste Management, Inc., through its subsidiaries, engages in the provision of environmental solutions to residential, commercial, industrial, and municipal customers in the United States and Canada. It offers collection services, including picking up and transporting waste and recyclable materials from where it was generated to a transfer station, material recovery facility (MRF), or disposal site; and owns and operates transfer stations, as well as owns, develops, and operates landfill facilities that produce landfill gas used as renewable natural gas for generating electricity. It also provides materials processing and commodities recycling services at its MRFs, where cardboard, paper, glass, metals, plastics, construction and demolition materials, and other recycling commodities are recovered for resale or redirected for other purposes; recycling brokerage services, such as managing the marketing of recyclable materials for third parties; and other strategic business solutions. In aSee more
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Dawn Stark is a Sales at Waste Management based in Houston, Texas.... Read More