
Davis Figueroa

Jefe De Ingeniería Y Proyectos at

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Davis Figueroa Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


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About Davis Figueroa

Davis Figueroa is an accomplished Mechatronics Engineer with over 9 years of experience in managing diverse projects and services in the conveyor belt industry. They are currently the Jefe de Ingeniería y Proyectos (Head of Engineering and Projects) at Conveyor Belt Technology, where they are responsible for planning, budgeting, coordinating resources, equipment, tools, and personnel, as well as supervising the proper execution of installation and maintenance services on conveyor systems. Figueroa also oversees quality control and evaluates the technical and economic results of these projects and services.Prior to their current role, Figueroa served as an Ingeniero De Planeamiento (Planning Engineer) at Conveyor Belt Technology, where they demonstrated expertise in maintenance planning and programming, particularly in the mining, oil, and energy sectors. Figueroa possesses strong technical knowledge, a keen sense of orientation, and effective leadership skills. They have experience inRead more

Davis Figueroa Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Ingeniero De Planeamiento

Conveyor Belt Technology Agencia Perú


Analista De Planificación De Proyectos




Imco Servicios


Ingeniero Junior



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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Davis Figueroa

What company does Davis Figueroa work for?
Davis Figueroa works for as Jefe De Ingeniería Y Proyectos
What is Davis Figueroa’s direct phone number?
Davis Figueroa’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Davis Figueroa’s latest job experience?
Davis Figueroa’s latest job experience is Ingeniero De Planeamiento at Conveyor Belt Technology Agencia Perú
Who are Davis Figueroa’s peers at other companies?
Davis Figueroa’s peers at other companies are Leandro Vera, Pavel Rojas.
Who are Davis Figueroa’s colleagues?
Some of Davis Figueroa’s colleagues are Camila Callejas Alfaro, Josué Guerra Mullisaca, Carlos Vasquez, Fidel Meza.
Who is Davis Figueroa?

Davis Figueroa is an accomplished Mechatronics Engineer with over 9 years of experience in managing diverse projects and services in the conveyor belt industry. They are currently the Jefe de Ingeniería y Proyectos (Head of Engineering and Projects) at Conveyor Belt Technology, where they are responsible for planning, budgeting, coordinating resour... ces, equipment, tools, and personnel, as well as supervising the proper execution of installation and maintenance services on conveyor systems. Figueroa also oversees quality control and evaluates the technical and economic results of these projects and services.Prior to their current role, Figueroa served as an Ingeniero De Planeamiento (Planning Engineer) at Conveyor Belt Technology, where they demonstrated expertise in maintenance planning and programming, particularly in the mining, oil, and energy sectors. Figueroa possesses strong technical knowledge, a keen sense of orientation, and effective leadership skills. They have experience in project planning, management control, and budget preparation for manufacturing and electromechanical installation projects.Figueroa holds a Mechatronics Engineering degree and is a registered member of the Colegio de Ingenieros del Perú (CIP). They have also completed a course in Cost Management for Budgets and have pursued postgraduate studies in Maintenance Management.Read More

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