
David Vizzini

Director at Outreach

David Vizzini Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(631) ***-****

David Vizzini Current Workplace




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David Vizzini Work Experience Summary

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About David Vizzini

David Vizzini is a Director at Outreach based in Richmond Hill, New York. David received a Bachelor of Science degree from St. Joseph's University and a Master of Science from St. Joseph's University.Explore more

David Vizzini Current Workplace


2011-present (13 years)

Forty years ago, Outreach opened its doors as a small assessment and referral center to engage people in the community struggling with addiction to seek help. Since then, its mission evolved to meet more needs and more communities. Today, Outreach inspires adolescents, adults, and their families to achieve a life of unlimited potential through high quality, evidence-based substance abuse treatment and training programs throughout New York City and Long Island. Outreach is proud to participate in the much-needed expansion of lifesaving programming as a Member of the Advanced Health Network and Recovery Health Solutions (AHN-RHS) Network.

David Vizzini Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles




Bachelor of Science - Health and Human Service Administration

St. Joseph's University

Master of Science

St. Joseph's University

Org Chart - Outreach






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding David Vizzini

What company does David Vizzini work for?
David Vizzini works for Outreach as Director
What is David Vizzini’s role in Outreach?
David Vizzini’s role in Outreach is Director
What is David Vizzini’s email address?
David Vizzini’s email address is d***@opiny.org
What is David Vizzini’s business email address?
David Vizzini’s business email address is d***@opiny.org
What is David Vizzini’s direct phone number?
David Vizzini’s direct phone number is (631) ***-****
What is David Vizzini’s work phone number?
David Vizzini’s headquarters phone number is (718) 847-9233
What is David Vizzini’s latest education?
David Vizzini’s latest education in Bachelor of Science - Health and Human Service Administration at St. Joseph's University
Which industry does David Vizzini work in?
David Vizzini works in the industry of Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Organizations.
Who are David Vizzini’s peers at other companies?
David Vizzini’s peers at other companies are Eddie Ocampo, Mark Sawyer, Bridget Speiser, Mark Minter, Kelly Barnebee.
Who are David Vizzini’s colleagues?
Some of David Vizzini’s colleagues are Jessica Shuren, Tahmina Akbar, Karl Telemaque, Krista Whitman.
How can I contact David Vizzini?
David Vizzini contact details: Email address: d***@opiny.org Phone number: (631) ***-****
Who is David Vizzini?

David Vizzini is a Director at Outreach based in Richmond Hill, New York. David received a Bachelor of Science degree from St. Joseph's University and a Master of Science from St. Joseph's University.... Read More

Where is David Vizzini based?
David Vizzini works for Outreach, located at United States
See more information about David Vizzini

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