2013-present (11 years)
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David Teafatiller Current Workplace
2222 Avenida De La Playa, La Jolla, California, 92037, United States
Phone Number
(858) 551-9510
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David Teafatiller Work Experience Summary
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2Average duration at a company (years)
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2Last Update 12/27/2024 3:15 PM
About David Teafatiller
David Teafatiller is the Manager, Operations at Hike Bike Kayak based in La Jolla, California.
Previously, David was the Manager, Manufacturing at Qualcomm.
David Teafatiller Current Workplace
Hike Bike Kayak Adventure Tours
Hike Bike Kayak, Inc., San Diego's first and largest multi sport tour operator, was founded in May, 2000. Amy Kangleon took over company operations in October 2000 and moved the company to its La Jolla Shores location in April, 2003. The company's new owners, David and Angela are looking forward to making Hike Bike Kayak even better for you in 2008! We offer guided outdoor adventures all year around including: kayaking, surfing, road biking, mountain biking, snorkeling and hiking and walking. Some of our specialty and seasonal trips include kayaking trips to Humphrey's Concerts, Pooch paddling (kayaking with your dog), Whale Watching and Sunset/Full Moon kayak tours. Our Team Building events, such as bike and foot scavenger hunts, beach games and kayak races are very popular with companies and groups. We also offer badge programs for Scouts. Hike Bike Kayak also rents gear including kayaks, mountain bikes, road bikes, snorkeling gear, "soft" surfboards and beach gear. Our Mission is toSee more
David Teafatiller Work Experience & Education
Org Chart - Hike Bike Kayak Adventure Tours
David Teafatiller
Manager, Operations
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding David Teafatiller
David Teafatiller is the Manager, Operations at Hike Bike Kayak based in La Jolla, California. Previously, David was the Manager, Manufacturing at Qualcomm....