2017-present (8 years)
David Sterling Email & Phone number
David Sterling Current Workplace
429 Patrick St E, Frederick, Maryland, 21701, United States
Phone Number
(301) 694-3500
Number of Employees
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Last Update 11/5/2024 2:45 PM
About David Sterling
David Sterling works at Carpel Video, which is an Electronics company with an estimated 7 employees. David is currently based in Frederick, Maryland. Found email listings include: @carpelvideoonline.com.Explore more
David Sterling Current Workplace
Carpel Video
Carpel Video has been providing film & tape transfers, currently to DVD, for 30 years in our Frederick office. We have sister companies who are capable of transferring obsolete tape and film formats. DVD and CD duplication has tremendously grown our business over the years. Carpel provides duplication, labeling, printed materials, packaging, assembling, and fulfillment, if needed. No job is too small, or too large! Carpel is known nationally, as one of the pioneers in the marketing of blank recycled video tapes. Currently, we still erase and evaluate various video tape formats. We also sell virgin videotapes in every format, including HD.
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