
David Sparr

Music Director at Temple Ohabei Shalom

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About David Sparr

While David Sparr grew up mostly in New Jersey (Summit and Princeton – where he learned to play piano starting at age six), he was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, and his maternal grandparents, Hy and Cele Orenberg, were lifelong members at Temple Ohabei Shalom. Having worked as a full time professional musician since graduating from the University of Michigan in the 1970’s, David has had the privilege of working with a variety of musical celebrities, including Sarah Caldwell, Linda Hopkins and Joel Grey. David loves that he has been able to learn and perform a wide range of music (jazz, reggae, salsa, klezmer, opera, blues, tango, R&B, etc.) and part of his philosophy as Music Director at Temple Ohabei Shalom is to incorporate many of those influences into our liturgy to keep our music fresh, exciting, and inspirational. David says that he likes to think of making the service “dance.” David has been the Musical Director at Temple Ohabei Shalom since 2000. When he is not playing, hisRead more

David Sparr Current Workplace

Temple Ohabei Shalom

2000-present (25 years)

Progressive in attitude yet traditional in practice, Temple Ohabei Shalom is an inclusive Reform Jewish community in Brookline, MA, committed to nurturing, sustaining, and touching Jewish lives through joyful worship, life long learning, and repair of the world in word and deed.

Org Chart - Temple Ohabei Shalom


Music Director




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding David Sparr

What company does David Sparr work for?
David Sparr works for Temple Ohabei Shalom as Music Director
What is David Sparr’s role in Temple Ohabei Shalom?
David Sparr’s role in Temple Ohabei Shalom is Music Director
What is David Sparr’s email address?
David Sparr’s email address is d***@ohabei.org
What is David Sparr’s business email address?
David Sparr’s business email address is d***@ohabei.org
What is David Sparr’s direct phone number?
David Sparr’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is David Sparr’s work phone number?
David Sparr’s headquarters phone number is (617) 277-6610
Which industry does David Sparr work in?
David Sparr works in the industry of Religious Organizations, Organizations.
Who are David Sparr’s peers at other companies?
David Sparr’s peers at other companies are Brad Skelton, Barbara Jennings, Hayden Cornelius, Susan Ritchey, Frederic Hawkins.
Who are David Sparr’s colleagues?
Some of David Sparr’s colleagues are Rachel Buerger, Cary Webb, Ali Moss, Audrey Berkman.
How can I contact David Sparr?
David Sparr contact details: Email address: d***@ohabei.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is David Sparr?

While David Sparr grew up mostly in New Jersey (Summit and Princeton – where he learned to play piano starting at age six), he was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, and his maternal grandparents, Hy and Cele Orenberg, were lifelong members at Temple Ohabei Shalom. Having worked as a full time professional musician since graduating from the Universi... ty of Michigan in the 1970’s, David has had the privilege of working with a variety of musical celebrities, including Sarah Caldwell, Linda Hopkins and Joel Grey. David loves that he has been able to learn and perform a wide range of music (jazz, reggae, salsa, klezmer, opera, blues, tango, R&B, etc.) and part of his philosophy as Music Director at Temple Ohabei Shalom is to incorporate many of those influences into our liturgy to keep our music fresh, exciting, and inspirational. David says that he likes to think of making the service “dance.” David has been the Musical Director at Temple Ohabei Shalom since 2000. When he is not playing, his recording studio, Little Dog Studios, takes up much of his time. Through his position at Ohabei Shalom he have gotten to know Cantors from all over New England, resulting in studio recording and live performing collaborations with many of them. David also devotes much of his time to arranging and composition — if you come to services on the High Holy Days you will hear many of his choral arrangements. David can be reached atRead More

Where is David Sparr based?
David Sparr works for Temple Ohabei Shalom, located at United States
See more information about David Sparr

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