David Masrour

Vice President at Masrour Catering

David Masrour Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

David Masrour Current Workplace


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Number of Employees

About David Masrour

David Masrour is a Vice President at Masrour Catering based in Tarzana, California.

David Masrour Current Workplace

Masrour Catering

2013-present (12 years)

Redefining what excellence looks, tastes, and is, Masrour Catering has been in the business for over thirty years. We work to meet all of our customers' desires by providing exceptionally detailed services in regards to food, venue, decor, entertainment, and more. Not to mention, our years of experience allow us to customize our services to please our customers on a maximal level. Our broad spectrum of services apply to any party or event you are planning-from weddings, bar and bat mitzvahs, bridal showers, baby naming ceremonies, and more to office parties, corporate events, and public affairs. We are based in Southern California, and therefore, we have access to the most luxurious venues in the area. Although our Kosher catering is Middle Eastern and Mediterranean-based, we are always happy to provide you with whatever cuisine and style you are envisioning. Our flexible team and professional chefs strive to serve in whatever manner you desire with the best food and presentation in thSee more

Org Chart - Masrour Catering

David Masrour

Vice President

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding David Masrour

What company does David Masrour work for?
David Masrour works for Masrour Catering as Vice President
What is David Masrour’s role in Masrour Catering?
David Masrour’s role in Masrour Catering is Vice President
What is David Masrour’s direct phone number?
David Masrour’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is David Masrour’s work phone number?
David Masrour’s headquarters phone number is (818) 776-8833
Which industry does David Masrour work in?
David Masrour works in the industry of Hospitality General, Hospitality.
Who are David Masrour’s peers at other companies?
David Masrour’s peers at other companies are Tom Knickerbocker, Pamela Chu, Ani Stefkova, Patrick Treiger, Frank Lamb.
Who are David Masrour’s colleagues?
Some of David Masrour’s colleagues are David Masroor.
Who is David Masrour?

David Masrour is a Vice President at Masrour Catering based in Tarzana, California....

Where is David Masrour based?
David Masrour works for Masrour Catering, located at United States